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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game events status

It's recommended to communicate errors and warnings to your users. You can check game event status here or easily verify event status directly from your app using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
player0 / player1 … playerN(N = number of players in the match)playersInfoCheck notesSee notes14.0

player note

  • Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties:
    • steamId – Steam ID of the player who died
    • score – Score of the player who died
    • goals – Goal count of the player
    • name – Name of the player that died
    • team – Team number of the player (1 or 2)


Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties. Need to do a decodeURI() on the value and then JSON.parse() on the result.

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
goalCheck notesA goal has been scoredSee notes14.0
scoreCheck notesScore of a player has changedSee notes86.0
teamGoalnullWhen the local player’s team has scored a goalSee notes131.0
opposingTeamGoalnullWhen the opposing team has scored a goalSee notes131.0

goal note

Event Data:

  • steamId – Steam id of the player scoring the goal
  • score – Score of the player scoring the goal
  • goals – Goal count of the player
  • name – Name of the player scoring the goal
  • team – Team number of the scoring player (1 or 2)
  • local – Whether the player who scored is the local player


Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties. Need to do a decodeURI() on the value and then JSON.parse() on the result

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"goal","data":"{  "steamId": "0",  "score": 118,  "goals": "1",  "name": "Ram is troll",  "state": "0",  "team_score": 1,  "team": "2",  "local": "1",  "index": 3}"}]}

score note

Event Data:

  • steamId – Steam ID of the player
  • score – Score of the player
  • goals – Goal count of the player
  • name – Name of the player
  • state
  • team_score
  • team – Team number of the player (1 or 2)
  • index


Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties. Need to do a decodeURI() on the value and the JSON.parse() on the result

Data Example:


teamGoal note

Data Example:


opposingTeamGoal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
startedmatchState"true" / "false"14.0
endedmatchState"true" / "false"86.0
matchTypematchInfoCurrent match typeSee notes86.0
rankedmatchInfoTrue if the match is ranked, false otherwise "true"/"false"86.0
maxPlayersmatchInfoMaximum number of players allowed in this matchSee notes86.0
gameModematchInfoGame mode of the matchSee notes86.0
gameStatematchInfoCurrent state of the gameSee notes86.0
gameTypematchInfoCurrent game type86.0

matchType note

Possible values:

  • Lobby
  • Private
  • Online
  • Offline

Data Example:


maxPlayers note

(integer – use parseInt)

Data Example:


gameMode note

Possible values:

  • Soccar
  • Breakout (Dropshot)
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Items
  • Unknown

Data Example:


gameState note

Possible values:

  • WaitingForPlayers
  • Countdown
  • Active
  • PostGoalScored
  • ReplayPlayback
  • PrePodiumSpotlight
  • Finished
  • Unknown
  • PodiumSpotlight

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
matchStartnullMatch startsSee notes14.0
matchEndnullMatch endsSee notes14.0
victorynullteam_score (1 / 2)(1 – Victory, 2 - defeat)86.0
defeatnullteam_score (1 / 2)(1 – Victory, 2 - defeat)86.0
surrenderID of the forfeiting teamA team forfeits the matchSee notes253.0
overtimenullThe match reaches overtimeSee notes253.0

matchStart note

Data Example:


matchEnd note

Data Example:


victory note

Data Example:


defeat note

Data Example:


Data Example:


surrender note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"surrender","data": "{\"team\":1}"}]}

overtime note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoCurrent match’s internal ID code.See notes130.0
mutator_settingsmatch_infoThe current-chosen settings of the private match.See notes147.0
arenamatch_infoThe current private match's arena setting.See notes147.0
server_infomatch_infoThe info of the current match's server info.See notes147.0

pseudo_match_id note

Data Example:


mutator_settings note

Data Example:


arena note

Data Example:


server_info note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
action_pointsmatch_infoName of action that granted a score to the local player.See notes160.0

action_points note

Data Examples:

{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Shot On Goal"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"First Touch"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Center Ball"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Pool Shot"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Clear Goal"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Epic Save"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"action_points","data":"Long Shot"}]}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
player0 / player1 … playerN (N = number of players in the match)playersInfoCheck notesSee notes14.0
team1 / team2teamsInfoCheck notesSee notes24.0
team1_score / team2_scoreteamsScoreteam1 / team2 score – integerSee notes86.0
players_rankplayersInfoThe rank of each player at the end of a matchSee notes237.0
players_boostplayersInfoThe boost level of each teammate during the matchSee notes252.0

player note

  • Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties:
    • steamId – Steam ID of the player who died
    • score – Score of the player who died
    • goals – Goal count of the player
    • name – Name of the player that died
    • team – Team number of the player (1 or 2)
    • platform - The platform's current platform name
      • Available platforms: Steam, PS4 (PS5), PS3, Dingo, Epic, NNX (Nintendo)
    • player_id - the current player ID in the specific platform
    • assists - Total assists of the player
    • saves - Total saves of the player
    • shots - Total shots of the player
    • mvp - 1 if the player is the MVP, 0 if not
    • team_score - Total team score
    • local - 1 If the player is the local player, 0 if not


Encoded stringified JSON containing the properties. Need to do a decodeURI() on the value and then JSON.parse() on the result.

Data Example:


teamsInfo note


An encoded stringified array of strings indicating the player's IDs for each team. Each ID corresponds to an ID under the playersInfo category.

Data Example


players_rank note

Data Example

 {"feature": "roster", "category": "playersInfo", "key": "players_rank", "data": "[{\"name\":\"Yo55680\",\"rank\":\"Silver III\"},{\"name\":\"BruTS93330\",\"rank\":\"Silver III\"},{\"name\":\"ruzgaasar07\",\"rank\":\"Silver III\"},{\"name\":\"t2l__ll\",\"rank\":\"Silver III\"}]"}

players_boost note

Data Example

Values are round up and the possible values are 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
rosterChangeArray containing players' informationA player leaves or joins the matchSee notes14.0
playerJoinedCheck notesA player joins the matchSee notes24.0
playerLeftCheck notesA player leaves the matchSee notes24.0

rosterChange note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"rosterChange","data":"{"roster": [{"steamId": "2535466851496806","score": 52,"goals": "0","name": "Daknowntesco","state": "0","team_score": 0,"team": "1","local": "0","index": 0},{"steamId": "8815809362838850094","score": 0,"goals": "0","name": "YT_BR33Z3_","state": "0","team_score": 0,"team": "2","local": "0","index": 1},{"steamId": "76561198239574678","score": 0,"goals": "0","name": "lars","state": "0","team_score": 0,"team": "1","local": "0","index": 2}]}"}]}

playerJoined note

Event Data:

  • steamId – Steam ID of the player
  • score – Score of the player
  • goals – Goal count of the player
  • name – Name of the player
  • team – Team number of the player (1 or 2)

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"playerJoined","data":"{"steamId":"2535428144972964","score":0,"goals": "0","name":"Joschy900","state":"0\","team_score":0,"team":"1","index": 2}"}]}

playerLeft note

Event Data:

  • steamId – Steam ID of the player
  • score – Score of the player
  • goals – Goal count of the player
  • name – Name of the player
  • team – Team number of the player (1 or 2)

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"playerLeft","data":"{"steamId":"156382600742638838","score":52,"goals":"0","name":"JHONNYHS","state":"0","team_score":1,"team":"2","index": 2}"}]}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
steamIdmePlayer’s Steam ID14.0
namemePlayer’s name14.0
goalsmePlayer’s goal count14.0
scoremePlayer’s score14.0
teammePlayer’s team number14.0
team_scoremeTeam score86.0
playlists_rankgame_infoTeam scoreSee notes237.0

me note

Data Examples:


playlists_rank note

Data Examples:

{"feature": "me","category": "game_info","key": "playlists_rank","data": "[{\"game_mode\":\"Doubles\",\"tier\":\"Silver III\",\"division\":4},{\"game_mode\":\"Duel\",\"tier\":\"Silver III\",\"division\":2}]"}



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathnullA player is demolished by an opponent.See notes160.0

death note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
trade_menu_openedgame_info"true" / "false"See notes170.3
trade_my_propositiongame_infoLocal player's items that are on offer.See notes170.3
trade_opponent_propositiongame_infoTeam member's items that are on offer.See notes170.3
car_look_inventorygame_infoItems that are equipped to the local player's car.See notes186.3
trade_my_inventorygame_infoTradable items in the general inventory.See notes186.3

trade_menu_opened note

Data Example:


trade_my_proposition note

Data Example:

{"info":{"game_info":{"trade_my_proposition":"[{"Index": "0","key" : "2625_0","ProductId" : "2625","ProductName" : "skin_aftershock_tigertiger","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"}]"}},"feature":"game_info"}

trade_opponent_proposition note

Data Example:

{"info":{"game_info":{"trade_opponent_proposition":"[{"Index": "0","key" : "2969_0","ProductId" : "2969","ProductName" : "skin_vanquish_watermelon","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "1","key" : "4727_0","ProductId" : "4727","ProductName" : "hat_accordion","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"}]"}},"feature":"game_info"}

car_look_inventory note

Data Example:

{"info":{"game_info":{"car_look_inventory":"[{"Index": "0","key" : "1794_9","ProductId" : "1794","ProductName" : "EngineAudio_Car01_REV","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "1","key" : "1903_8","ProductId" : "1903","ProductName" : "Explosion_Default","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "2","key" : "2047_7","ProductId" : "2047","ProductName" : "ss_Toonrocks","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "3","key" : "23_0","ProductId" : "23","ProductName" : "Body_Octane","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "4","key" : "2526_5","ProductId" : "2526","ProductName" : "playerBanner_RLShield","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "5","key" : "270_1","ProductId" : "270","ProductName" : "PaintFinish_Default","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "6","key" : "270_2","ProductId" : "270","ProductName" : "PaintFinish_Default","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "7","key" : "2904_4","ProductId" : "2904","ProductName" : "boost_sunrays","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "8","key" : "3085_6","ProductId" : "3085","ProductName" : "AvatarBorder_Default","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "9","key" : "6846_3","ProductId" : "6846","ProductName" : "wheel_spitfire_se","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"}]"}},"feature":"game_info"}

trade_my_inventory note

Data Example:

Info UPDATE: {"info":{"game_info":{"trade_my_inventory":"[{"Index": "0","key" : "1000_0","ProductId" : "1000","ProductName" : "Antenna_Worms_Grenade","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "1","key" : "1008_0","ProductId" : "1008","ProductName" : "Flag_Worms","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "2","key" : "1028_0","ProductId" : "1028","ProductName" : "Hat_Worms","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "3","key" : "1171_0","ProductId" : "1171","ProductName" : "Body_NeoCar","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "4","key" : "1172_0","ProductId" : "1172","ProductName" : "Body_Marauder","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "5","key" : "1177_0","ProductId" : "1177","ProductName" : "WHEEL_NeoWheel","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "6","key" : "11_0","ProductId" : "11","ProductName" : "Antenna_PeaceSign","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "7","key" : "1212_0","ProductId" : "1212","ProductName" : "Flag_4PlayerNetwork","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "8","key" : "1213_0","ProductId" : "1213","ProductName" : "Flag_Shacknews","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "9","key" : "1263_0","ProductId" : "1263","ProductName" : "flag_nba","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "10","key" : "1286_0","ProductId" : "1286","ProductName" : "Body_Aftershock","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "11","key" : "12_0","ProductId" : "12","ProductName" : "Antenna_Saturn","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "12","key" : "1304_0","ProductId" : "1304","ProductName" : "Flag_DyingLight","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "13","key" : "1305_0","ProductId" : "1305","ProductName" : "Hat_BaseballCap01","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "14","key" : "1315_0","ProductId" : "1315","ProductName" : "WHEEL_Aftershock","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "15","key" : "1317_0","ProductId" : "1317","ProductName" : "Body_NeoBike","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "16","key" : "1318_0","ProductId" : "1318","ProductName" : "Boost_Flamethrower_Yellow","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "17","key" : "1319_0","ProductId" : "1319","ProductName" : "Boost_Standard_Green","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "18","key" : "1328_0","ProductId" : "1328","ProductName" : "Hat_BaseballCap_Back","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "19","key" : "1331_0","ProductId" : "1331","ProductName" : "Flag_ScrewAttack","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "20","key" : "1339_7","ProductId" : "1339","ProductName" : "Hat_FlatHat","Color" : "7","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "21","key" : "1343_0","ProductId" : "1343","ProductName" : "Wheel_Marauder","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "22","key" : "1344_0","ProductId" : "1344","ProductName" : "hat_dot","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "23","key" : "1347_0","ProductId" : "1347","ProductName" : "Antenna_WakeupShip","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "24","key" : "1351_0","ProductId" : "1351","ProductName" : "Antenna_DLZ","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "25","key" : "13_0","ProductId" : "13","ProductName" : "Antenna_Skull","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "26","key" : "1452_0","ProductId" : "1452","ProductName" : "boost_ink","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "27","key" : "1454_0","ProductId" : "1454","ProductName" : "Flag_Discord","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "28","key" : "1474_0","ProductId" : "1474","ProductName" : "wheel_number6","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "29","key" : "1475_0","ProductId" : "1475","ProductName" : "Body_Number6","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "30","key" : "1478_0","ProductId" : "1478","ProductName" : "body_cannonboy","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "31","key" : "1480_0","ProductId" : "1480","ProductName" : "wheel_cannonboy","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "32","key" : "14_0","ProductId" : "14","ProductName" : "Antenna_SmileyFace","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "33","key" : "1533_0","ProductId" : "1533","ProductName" : "body_gilliam","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "34","key" : "1547_0","ProductId" : "1547","ProductName" : "Flag_SDMN","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "35","key" : "1548_0","ProductId" : "1548","ProductName" : "Flag_Vikkstar","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "36","key" : "1566_0","ProductId" : "1566","ProductName" : "antenna_nutcracker","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "37","key" : "1583_0","ProductId" : "1583","ProductName" : "WHEEL_Gilliam","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "38","key" : "15_0","ProductId" : "15","ProductName" : "Antenna_Snowman","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "39","key" : "1606_0","ProductId" : "1606","ProductName" : "flag_nzxt","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "40","key" : "1632_0","ProductId" : "1632","ProductName" : "Crate_ImportSkins","Color" : "0","Count" : "2"},{"Index": "41","key" : "1639_0","ProductId" : "1639","ProductName" : "flag_redflame","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "42","key" : "1640_0","ProductId" : "1640","ProductName" : "flag_whiteflame","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "43","key" : "1641_0","ProductId" : "1641","ProductName" : "Hat_Chomper","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "44","key" : "1665_0","ProductId" : "1665","ProductName" : "Hat_Looper_PA","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "45","key" : "1688_0","ProductId" : "1688","ProductName" : "paintfinish_craters","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "46","key" : "16_0","ProductId" : "16","ProductName" : "Antenna_SoccerBall","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "47","key" : "1729_0","ProductId" : "1729","ProductName" : "wheel_seasonthree01","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "48","key" : "17_0","ProductId" : "17","ProductName" : "Antenna_Star","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "49","key" : "1846_0","ProductId" : "1846","ProductName" : "Antenna_jinx","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "50","key" : "1847_0","ProductId" : "1847","ProductName" : "flag_lootcrate","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "51","key" : "1872_0","ProductId" : "1872","ProductName" : "crate_number8","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "52","key" : "1946_0","ProductId" : "1946","ProductName" : "wheel_rmp","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "53","key" : "1957_0","ProductId" : "1957","ProductName" : "boost_rm","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "54","key" : "1962_0","ProductId" : "1962","ProductName" : "skin_force_elephant","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "55","key" : "1969_0","ProductId" : "1969","ProductName" : "Explosion_Basic_Green","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "56","key" : "1970_0","ProductId" : "1970","ProductName" : "Explosion_Basic_Orange","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "57","key" : "1971_0","ProductId" : "1971","ProductName" : "Explosion_Basic_Pink","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "58","key" : "1972_0","ProductId" : "1972","ProductName" : "Explosion_Basic_Purple","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "59","key" : "1973_0","ProductId" : "1973","ProductName" : "hat_MrMeeseeks","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "60","key" : "1977_0","ProductId" : "1977","ProductName" : "hat_mrPBH","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "61","key" : "1982_0","ProductId" : "1982","ProductName" : "antenna_rams_jb","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "62","key" : "1983_0","ProductId" : "1983","ProductName" : "antenna_rsic","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "63","key" : "1984_0","ProductId" : "1984","ProductName" : "hat_cromulon","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "64","key" : "19_0","ProductId" : "19","ProductName" : "Antenna_TennisBall","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "65","key" : "1_0","ProductId" : "1","ProductName" : "Antenna_8Ball","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "66","key" : "2026_0","ProductId" : "2026","ProductName" : "flag_xgames","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "67","key" : "2028_0","ProductId" : "2028","ProductName" : "hat_Latte","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "68","key" : "2028_13","ProductId" : "2028","ProductName" : "hat_Latte","Color" : "13","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "69","key" : "2033_0","ProductId" : "2033","ProductName" : "hat_Succulents","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "70","key" : "2037_0","ProductId" : "2037","ProductName" : "hat_sushi","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "71","key" : "2042_0","ProductId" : "2042","ProductName" : "hat_rainbow","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "72","key" : "2047_0","ProductId" : "2047","ProductName" : "ss_Toonrocks","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "73","key" : "2048_0","ProductId" : "2048","ProductName" : "antenna_Pinwheel","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "74","key" : "2050_13","ProductId" : "2050","ProductName" : "hat_Headphones","Color" : "13","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "75","key" : "2051_0","ProductId" : "2051","ProductName" : "hat_JitB","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "76","key" : "2062_0","ProductId" : "2062","ProductName" : "flag_woofless","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "77","key" : "20_0","ProductId" : "20","ProductName" : "Antenna_UFO","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "78","key" : "211_0","ProductId" : "211","ProductName" : "Flag_BlacklightRetribution","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "79","key" : "213_0","ProductId" : "213","ProductName" : "Flag_EdgeOfSpace","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "80","key" : "216_0","ProductId" : "216","ProductName" : "Flag_FenixRage","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "81","key" : "217_0","ProductId" : "217","ProductName" : "Flag_Pirate","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "82","key" : "218_0","ProductId" : "218","ProductName" : "Flag_Shadowgate","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "83","key" : "219_0","ProductId" : "219","ProductName" : "Flag_StrikeVectorEX","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "84","key" : "21_0","ProductId" : "21","ProductName" : "Body_Backfire","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "85","key" : "220_0","ProductId" : "220","ProductName" : "Flag_TeamFat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "86","key" : "221_0","ProductId" : "221","ProductName" 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"1"},{"Index": "384","key" : "679_0","ProductId" : "679","ProductName" : "AT_Oddworld_Glukkon","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "385","key" : "67_0","ProductId" : "67","ProductName" : "Boost_Standard_Yellow","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "386","key" : "6801_0","ProductId" : "6801","ProductName" : "boost_B2000","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "387","key" : "681_0","ProductId" : "681","ProductName" : "AT_PortalCube","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "388","key" : "682_0","ProductId" : "682","ProductName" : "AT_Warframe_Chroma","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "389","key" : "6833_0","ProductId" : "6833","ProductName" : "skin_musclecar_panya","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "390","key" : "683_0","ProductId" : "683","ProductName" : "AT_Warframe_Loki","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "391","key" : "6846_0","ProductId" : "6846","ProductName" : "wheel_spitfire_se","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "392","key" : "684_0","ProductId" : "684","ProductName" : "AT_Warframe_Excalibur","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "393","key" : "685_0","ProductId" : "685","ProductName" : "Hat_CowSkull","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "394","key" : "686_0","ProductId" : "686","ProductName" : "AT_Portal_PC","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "395","key" : "690_0","ProductId" : "690","ProductName" : "WHEEL_Spiked","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "396","key" : "693_0","ProductId" : "693","ProductName" : "Flag_VGX","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "397","key" : "698_0","ProductId" : "698","ProductName" : "AT_GladOS_Potato","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "398","key" : "699_0","ProductId" : "699","ProductName" : "Flag_SomethingAwful","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "399","key" : "69_0","ProductId" : "69","ProductName" : "Boost_Water","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "400","key" : "705_0","ProductId" : "705","ProductName" : "Crown_Bronze","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "401","key" : "724_0","ProductId" : "724","ProductName" : "Flag_Destructoid","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "402","key" : "725_0","ProductId" : "725","ProductName" : "Flag_Gamespot","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "403","key" : "726_0","ProductId" : "726","ProductName" : "Flag_Operation_Sports","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "404","key" : "728_0","ProductId" : "728","ProductName" : "Flag_GoldGlove","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "405","key" : "732_0","ProductId" : "732","ProductName" : "Flag_Gfinity","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "406","key" : "741_0","ProductId" : "741","ProductName" : "Hat_CaptainHat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "407","key" : "743_0","ProductId" : "743","ProductName" : "HAT_DoughboyHelmet","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "408","key" : "745_0","ProductId" : "745","ProductName" : "HAT_GentlemanHat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "409","key" : "745_7","ProductId" : "745","ProductName" : "HAT_GentlemanHat","Color" : "7","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "410","key" : "746_0","ProductId" : "746","ProductName" : "Hat_PoliceHat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "411","key" : "749_0","ProductId" : "749","ProductName" : "Antenna_Witcher3_Medallion","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "412","key" : "752_0","ProductId" : "752","ProductName" : "Antenna_DogBalloon","Color" : "0","Count" : "2"},{"Index": "413","key" : "753_0","ProductId" : "753","ProductName" : "Antenna_Alien","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "414","key" : "756_0","ProductId" : "756","ProductName" : "Hat_ChefsHat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "415","key" : "757_0","ProductId" : "757","ProductName" : "Antenna_Candle","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "416","key" : "762_0","ProductId" : "762","ProductName" : "Antenna_HulaGirl","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "417","key" : "769_0","ProductId" : "769","ProductName" : "Hat_Cockroach","Color" : "0","Count" : "2"},{"Index": "418","key" : "774_0","ProductId" : "774","ProductName" : "Hat_Antlers","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "419","key" : "775_0","ProductId" : "775","ProductName" : "Hat_Beret","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "420","key" : "779_0","ProductId" : "779","ProductName" : "Antenna_RubberDuckie","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "421","key" : "780_0","ProductId" : "780","ProductName" : "Hat_Rhino","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "422","key" : "781_0","ProductId" : "781","ProductName" : "Antenna_Mau5","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "423","key" : "782_0","ProductId" : "782","ProductName" : "Hat_RatTrap","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "424","key" : "788_0","ProductId" : "788","ProductName" : "Antenna_Flower_Venus","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "425","key" : "789_0","ProductId" : "789","ProductName" : "Hat_BirthdayCake","Color" : "0","Count" : "2"},{"Index": "426","key" : "792_0","ProductId" : "792","ProductName" : "Hat_Deerstalker","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "427","key" : "796_0","ProductId" : "796","ProductName" : "hat_deadmau5","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "428","key" : "797_0","ProductId" : "797","ProductName" : "WHEEL_Neo","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "429","key" : "799_0","ProductId" : "799","ProductName" : "Flag_9Gag","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "430","key" : "7_0","ProductId" : "7","ProductName" : "Antenna_Heart","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "431","key" : "802_0","ProductId" : "802","ProductName" : "Flag_IGN","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "432","key" : "808_0","ProductId" : "808","ProductName" : "flag_nvidia","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "433","key" : "813_0","ProductId" : "813","ProductName" : "Antenna_ETS2","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "434","key" : "814_0","ProductId" : "814","ProductName" : "Flag_AbleGamers","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "435","key" : "817_0","ProductId" : "817","ProductName" : "Hat_Pigeon","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "436","key" : "867_0","ProductId" : "867","ProductName" : "Antenna_GoatSimulator_Goat","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "437","key" : "869_0","ProductId" : "869","ProductName" : "Flag_RocketBeans","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "438","key" : "8_0","ProductId" : "8","ProductName" : "Antenna_Horseshoe","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "439","key" : "916_0","ProductId" : "916","ProductName" : "Flag_PAX","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "440","key" : "917_0","ProductId" : "917","ProductName" : "Flag_PennyArcade","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "441","key" : "918_0","ProductId" : "918","ProductName" : "Antenna_DIV","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "442","key" : "927_0","ProductId" : "927","ProductName" : "Antenna_GoatSimulator_G2Robot","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"},{"Index": "443","key" : "9_0","ProductId" : "9","ProductName" : "Antenna_LightningBolt","Color" : "0","Count" : "1"}]"}},"feature":"game_info"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
training_packgame_infoOn selecting a training packSee notes236.0

training_pack note

List of params:

  • download_code - Pack download code
  • pack_name - Pack name
  • pack_author - The name of the author of the training pack
  • total_shots - The total number of shots in the pack

Data Examples:

{"feature":"training","category":"training","key":"training_pack","value":"{\"download_code\":\"779A-5FD1-6C2A-8CAD\",\"pack_name\":\"Level 001 - Lets play Catch\",\"pack_author\":\"[SPG] Professorshanks\",\"total_shots\":8}"}


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
training_roundThe current round number and length in the training packNew round startsSee notes236.0
training_round_resultThe completed round nuber and the round resultA round endsSee notes236.0
training_shuffle_modeSelect shuffle mode true/falseShuffle mode selectedSee notes236.0

training_round note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"training_round","data":{\"round_number\":1, \"round_max_time\":5}}]}

training_round_result note

Possible values:

  • result
    • complete
    • fail

Data Example:


training_shuffle_mode note

Data Example:
