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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game event status

It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to app users.

Check the current game event status here. Alternatively, you can easily check that status from your app itself, using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
player_namemeName of local player.See notes148.0
player_idmeID of the local player.See notes148.0
regionmeRegion of the local player.See notes148.0
agentmeCharacter Internal ID.See notes149.0
healthmeCharacter current health.See notes238.0
abilitiesmeCurrent available abilitiesSee notes239.0
servermeServer of the local player.See notes257.0

player_name note

Data Example:


player_id note

Data Example:


region note

Data Example:


agent note

Not all agents have their game name match their ID data, since this is an internal name, so take that into account. Furthermore, if a character has an ability that gives him different points of view (e.g. Sova with his drone), the ID will change accordingly to the drone.

Possible agent values:

  • "Clay_PC_C" = Raze
  • "Pandemic_PC_C" = Viper
  • "Wraith_PC_C" = Omen
  • "Hunter_PC_C" = Sova
  • "Thorne_PC_C" = Sage
  • "Phoenix_PC_C" = Phoenix
  • "Wushu_PC_C" = Jett
  • "Gumshoe_PC_C" = Cypher
  • "Sarge_PC_C" = Brimstone
  • "Breach_PC_C" = Breach
  • "Vampire_PC_C" = Reyna
  • "Killjoy_PC_C" = Killjoy
  • "Guide_PC_C" = Skye
  • "Stealth_PC_C" = Yoru
  • "Rift_PC_C" = Astra
  • "Grenadier_PC_C" = KAY/O
  • "Deadeye_PC_C" = Chamber
  • "Sprinter_PC_C" = Neon
  • "BountyHunter_PC_C" = Fade
  • "Mage_PC_C" = Harbor
  • "AggroBot_PC_C" = Gekko
  • "Cable_PC_C" = Deadlock
  • "Sequoia_PC_C" = Iso
  • "Smonk_PC_C" = Clove
  • "Nox_PC_C" = Vyse
  • "Cashew_PC_C" = Tejo
  • "Terra_PC_C" = Waylay

Data Example:


health note

Data Example:

{"feature": "me", "category": "me", "key": "health", "data": "100"}

abilities note

Data Example:

{"feature": "me", "category": "me", "key": "abilities", "data": "{\"C\":true,\"Q\":true,\"E\":true,\"X\":false}"}

server note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoThe current match’s ID code.


This is an Overwolf-generated code, unrelated to Riot.159.0
round_numbermatch_infoNumber of current round.See notes149.0
scorematch_infoAmount of rounds won/lost.See notes149.0
match_scorematch_infoMatch score by teamsSee notes258.0
round_phasematch_infoCurrent state of the round.See notes149.0
teammatch_infoAttack / Defense.See notes149.0
match_outcomematch_infovictory/defeat/draw.See notes149.0
round_reportmatch_info* Total Damage
* Total number of bullets hit.
* Number of bullets hit on head.
* Number of hit headshots that killed.
See notes150.0
game_modematch_infoThe current played mode and whether or not it is ranked/customSee notes151.0
rostermatch_info* Player Name
* Player ID
* Name of picked character
* Player's Rank
* Whether it is the local player
* If player is a teammate or not.
See notes151.0
scoreboardmatch_infoScoreboard changes and updates during the gameSee notes151.0
kill_feedmatch_infokill feed updates during the gameSee notes209.0
mapmatch_infoCurrent played map nameSee notes217.0
escalation_stagematch_infoEach team's currnt weapon stage in Escalation game mode.See notes250.0
observingmatch_infoThe name of the palyer you are observing or coach (In custom mode only)See notes257.0
planted_sitematch_infoThe site where the bomb was planted in each roundSee notes261.0
match_idmatch_infoThe ID of the current matchSee notes262.0

round_number note

Data Example:


score note

Data example:


match_score note

Data example:


round_phase note

Data Example:


team note

Data Example:


match_outcome note

Data Example:


round_report note

This data is per round.

List of parameters:

  • damage - total damage dealt by the player
  • hit - number of total hits
  • headshot - number of headshots that did not kill an enemy
  • bodyshots - number of body shots
  • legshots - number of leg shots
  • final_headshot - number of headshots that did kill an enemy
  • damage_received - total damage the local player received
  • hits_received - total hits the local player received
  • ability_damage - total damage done by the use of an ability

Data Example:

{"match_info": {"round_report": "\"damage\":326.3,\"hit\":9,\"headshot\":1,\"bodyshots\":\"4\",\"legshots\":\"3\",\"final_headshot\":1,\"damage_received\":\"0\",\"hits_received\":\"0\",\"ability_damage\":\"0\"}"}}

game_mode note

List of parameters:


  • Bomb = Regular game (Unrated/Competitive)
  • Quick Bomb = Spike Rush
  • Deathmatch = Deathmatch
  • Escalation = Escalation
  • Swift = Swiftplay
  • Range = Range
  • Team deathmatch = team_deathmatch

custom - true/false

ranked -

  • 1 = Competitive
  • 2 = Any other mode

Data Example:


roster note

Important: If players (or the local player) in the match activate the option to hide their names from players outside their party, the output you will see will be the name of the agent (like Jett or in the case of the local player it will be Me) instead. It is language-dependent, so that is also important to take into account.

Important: Roster is not supported in game mode "escalation"

Rank value in the roster can be translated using this list (Apr. 2022)
  • 0 - Unranked
  • 3 - Iron_01
  • 4 - Iron_02
  • 5 - Iron_03
  • 6 - Bronze_01
  • 7 - Bronze_02
  • 8 - Bronze_03
  • 9 - Silver_01
  • 10 - Silver_02
  • 11 - Silver_03
  • 12 - Gold_01
  • 13 - Gold_02
  • 14 - Gold_03
  • 15 - Platinum_01
  • 16 - Platinum_02
  • 17 - Platinum_03
  • 18 - Diamond_01
  • 19 - Diamond_02
  • 20 - Diamond_03
  • 21 - Ascendant_1
  • 22 - Ascendant_2
  • 23 - Ascendant_3
  • 24 - Immortal_01
  • 25 - Immortal_02
  • 26 - Immortal_03
  • 27 - Radiant

Data Example:

{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_3":"{"name":"Sh4rgaas #EUNE","player_id":"2fb49e77-85c6-522c-a240-27c78a2f9a8f","character":"Pandemic","rank":0,"locked":false,"local":true,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_4":"{"name":"BreachMain #EUW","player_id":"d8b9c6f7-2cc6-5a75-825f-a5658b37eb1d","character":"Vampire","rank":0,"locked":true,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_3":"{"name":"Sh4rgaas #EUNE","player_id":"2fb49e77-85c6-522c-a240-27c78a2f9a8f","character":"Pandemic","rank":0,"locked":true,"local":true,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_1":"{"name":"NoobaHooba #8609","player_id":"f0be482b-d182-51a7-a17b-5d5d73d2f0cc","character":"Hunter","rank":0,"locked":false,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_0":"{"name":"TroyDarion #6170","player_id":"e70b9fb9-b64a-503e-a0ac-3bd12bcac218","character":"Gumshoe","rank":0,"locked":false,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_1":"{"name":"NoobaHooba #8609","player_id":"f0be482b-d182-51a7-a17b-5d5d73d2f0cc","character":"Hunter","rank":0,"locked":true,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_0":"{"name":"TroyDarion #6170","player_id":"e70b9fb9-b64a-503e-a0ac-3bd12bcac218","character":"Gumshoe","rank":0,"locked":true,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_2":"{"name":"SoloMeoParedes #ESP","player_id":"db36fb3b-e351-5da2-b0e3-c3a0400e8ddd","character":"Thorne","rank":0,"locked":false,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_2":"{"name":"SoloMeoParedes #ESP","player_id":"db36fb3b-e351-5da2-b0e3-c3a0400e8ddd","character":"Thorne","rank":0,"locked":true,"local":false,"teammate":true}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_6":"{"name":"zayed2 #EUW","player_id":"4d5efc43-b001-5c47-81d2-2f3cacff5ac7","character":"Wraith","rank":0,"teammate":false,"locked":false,"local":false}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_7":"{"name":"maheralkurdy #7836","player_id":"2080a484-c481-5362-812c-7572f5182b10","character":"Wushu","rank":0,"teammate":false,"locked":false,"local":false}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_5":"{"name":"Kubix11223 #5713","player_id":"dafa74b0-80ad-5dba-a753-70318f91d80a","character":"Thorne","rank":0,"teammate":false,"locked":false,"local":false}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_9":"{"name":"ImJOWY #2905","player_id":"162ec3aa-0114-554e-839f-fbe276467ece","character":"Clay","rank":0,"teammate":false,"locked":false,"local":false}"}},"feature":"match_info"}
{"info":{"match_info":{"roster_8":"{"name":"kot #8059","player_id":"4d7d329c-efc4-5400-9910-2a6b76f13c7b","character":"Phoenix","rank":0,"teammate":false,"locked":false,"local":false}"}},"feature":"match_info"}

scoreboard note

List of parameters:

  • player_id - the id of the player
  • name - the player's name
  • character - the character's name
  • teammate - is the player in my team or not
  • team - 0/1 - team 0 will always start on attack and team 1 will always start on defense. The team IDs will not change after switching sides
  • kills / deaths / assists - The number of kills, deaths and assists during the game
  • money - the amount of money during the game for each player
  • is_local - local player or not (Boolean)
  • alive - if the player is alive true/false
  • shield - the currently used shield for the local and teammate players. Possible values are:
    • 0 - no shield
    • 1 - light shield (25)
    • 2 - heavy shield (50)
    • 3 - default value for the enemy shield
    • 4 - regen shield (25)
  • weapon - the current primary weapon (loadout) name used by the local and teammate players. Visible to all players in a deathmatch like the behavior in the scoreboard during the game.
  • spike - is the player carrying the spike or not (Boolean) - only available for teammates
  • ult_points / ult_max - the current ultimate point out of the maximum ultimate points
List of available weapons


TX_Hud_Pistol_Classic = Classic

TX_Hud_Pistol_Slim = Shorty

TX_Hud_Pistol_AutoPistol = Frenzy

TX_Hud_Pistol_Luger = Ghost

TX_Hud_Pistol_Sheriff = Sheriff


TX_Hud_Shotguns_Pump = Bucky

TX_Hud_Shotguns_Persuader = Judge


TX_Hud_SMGs_Vector = Stinger

TX_Hud_SMGs_Ninja = Spectre


TX_Hud_Rifles_Burst = Bulldog

TX_Hud_Rifles_DMR = Guardian

TX_Hud_Rifles_Ghost = Phantom

TX_Hud_Rifles_Volcano = Vandal


TX_Hud_Sniper_Bolt = Marshal

TX_Hud_Sniper_Operater = Operator

TX_Hud_Sniper_DoubleSniper = Outlaw

Machine Guns:

TX_Hud_LMG = Ares

TX_Hud_HMG = Odin


knife = Knife

Data Example:

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "scoreboard_0", "data": "{\"name\":\"MrTest #1111\",\"character\":\"Sarge\",\"teammate\":true,\"team\":1,\"alive\":true,\"player_id\":\"61b608c1-1656-5c92-a34c-c18042826d0d\",\"shield\":0,\"weapon\":\"TX_Hud_Pistol_Classic\",\"spike\":true,\"ult_points\":0,\"ult_max\":8,\"kills\":11,\"deaths\":5,\"assists\":3,\"money\":1800,\"is_local\":true}"}

kill_feed note

List of parameters:

  • attacker - the name of the killing player
  • victim - the name of the killed player
  • assist 1/2/3/4 - the name of the characters who assisted in the kill
  • ult - name of the ultimate used, reserved for a nonlethal ultimate such as Sage's resurrection
  • headshot - Boolean value if the kill was by headshot
  • weapon - name of the weapon/ability/ultimate used by the killing player or spike/fall damage
  • is_attacker_teammate - true/false if the attacker is a teammate
  • is_victim_teammate - true/false if the victim is a teammate
List of available weapons


TX_Hud_Pistol_Glock_S = Classic

TX_Hud_Pistol_SawedOff_S = Shorty

TX_Hud_AutoPistol = Frenzy

TX_Hud_Pistol_Luger_S = Ghost

TX_Hud_Pistol_Revolver_S = Sheriff


TX_Hud_Pump = Bucky

TX_Hud_Shotguns_Spas12_S = Judge


TX_Hud_Vector = Stinger

TX_Hud_SMG_MP5_S = Spectre


TX_Hud_Burst = Bulldog

tx_hud_dmr = Guardian

TX_Hud_Assault_AR10A2_S = Phantom

TX_Hud_Volcano = Vandal


TX_Hud_Sniper_BoltAction_S = Marshal

TX_Hud_Operator = Operator

TX_Hud_DoubleSniper = Outlaw

Machine Guns:

TX_Hud_LMG = Ares

TX_Hud_HMG = Odin


TX_Hud_Knife_Standard_S = Knife

List of available abilities


TX_Breach_FusionBlast = Aftershock


TX_Sarge_MolotovLauncher = Incendiary

TX_Sarge_OrbitalStrike = Orbital strike (ULT)


TX_Pheonix_FireWall = Blaze

TX_Pheonix_Molotov = Hot hands


TX_Hunter_ShockArrow - Shock bolt

TX_Hunter_BowBlast - Hunters fury


TX_Hud_Deadeye_Q_Pistol = Headhunter

TX_Hud_Deadeye_X_GiantSlayer = Tour de force (ULT)


TX_Cable_FishingHook = Annihilation (ULT)


TX_Hud_Wushu_X_Dagger = Blade storm (ULT)


"TX_Neon_Ult = Overdrive (ULT)


TX_Thorne_Heal = Resurrection (ULT)


TX_Gumshoe_Tripwire - Trapwire


TX_Gren_Icon = Frag/ment

**Geko: **

TX_Aggrobot_Bubbles = Mosh pit


TX_KJ_Bees = Nanoswarm

tx_KJ_turret = turret


TX_Clay_Boomba =Boom bot

TX_Clay_ClusterBomb = paint shells

TX_Clay_RocketLauncher = Show stopper (ULT)


TX_Guide4 = Trail blazer


TX_Pandemic_AcidLauncher = Snake bite




Data Example:


None lethal ultimate example:


map note

This info-update is triggered before the match_start event end resets at the end of each game

Possible values:

  • "Infinity" - Abyss map
  • "Triad" - Haven map
  • "Duality" - Bind map
  • "Bonsai" - Split map
  • "Ascent" - Ascent map
  • "Port" - Icebox map
  • "Foxtrot" - Breeze map
  • "Canyon" - Fracture map
  • "Pitt" - Pearl map
  • "Jam" - Lotus map
  • "Juliett" - Sunset map
  • "Range" - Practice Range map
  • "HURM_Alley" - District map
  • "HURM_Yard" - Piazza map
  • "HURM_Bowl" - Kasbah map
  • "HURM_Helix" - Drift map
  • "HURM_HighTide" - Glitch map

Data Example:


escalation_stage note

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "escalation_stage", "data": "{\"attacker\":1,\"defender\":2}"} 

observing note

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "observing", "data": "MrTester #5555"} 

planted_site note

This info-update will be sent only at the end of the game

Possible values:

  • A for site A
  • B for site B
  • C for site C (In maps where there are 3 sites)
  • not_planted if the bomb was not planted during this round

match_id note



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
match_startnullMatch started.See notes148.0
match_endnullMatch ended.See notes148.0
spike_defusednullWhen a spike is defused.See notes233.0
spike_detonatednullWhen a spike is detonated.See notes233.0
kill_feedkill feed detailsWhen a kill feed appears in the UI.See notes237.0
shopopen/closeWhen the shop window is open or closeSee notes241.0
scoreboard_screenopen/closeWhen the scoreboard window is open or closeSee notes267.0

match_start note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "match_start","data":""}]}

match_end note

Please note that match_end does not work on custom matches or training.

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "match_end","data":""}]}

spike_defused note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "spike_defused","data":""}]}

spike_detonated note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "spike_detonated","data":""}]}

kill_feed note

List of parameters:

  • attacker - the name of the killing player
  • victim - the name of the killed player
  • assist 1/2/3/4 - the name of the characters who assisted in the kill
  • ult - name of the ultimate used, reserved for a non-lethal ultimate such as Sage's resurrection
  • headshot - Boolean value if the kill was by headshot
  • weapon - name of the weapon/ability/ultimate used by the killing player or spike/fall damage
  • is_attacker_teammate - true/false if the attacker is a teammate
  • is_victim_teammate - true/false if the victim is a teammate

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "kill_feed","data":"{\"attacker\":\"YTDestruct28\",\"victim\":\"Ghostblade\",\"is_attacker_teammate\":true,\"is_victim_teammate\":false,\"weapon\":\"TX_Hud_Volcano\",\"ult\":\"\",\"assist1\":\"TX_Killfeed_Sage1\",\"assist2\":\"\",\"assist3\":\"\",\"assist4\":\"\",\"headshot\":false}}]}

shop note

  • This feature is not yet supported in TTM game mode

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "shop","data":"open"}]}

scoreboard_screen note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name": "scoreboard_screen","data":"open"}]}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
scenegame_infoThe current scene-state.See notes148.0
stategame_infoThe current game-state.See notes148.0

scene note

"Scene" info includes the scenes of the game and the name of the map that is currently played (like in the example down below - Triad).

Data Example:


Possible Scene values:

  • "MainMenu" - Main menu
  • "Triad" - Haven map
  • "Duality" - Bind map
  • "Bonsai" - Split map
  • "Ascent" - Ascent map
  • "Port" - Icebox map
  • "Foxtrot" - Breeze map
  • "Canyon" - Fracture map
  • "Pitt" - Pearl map
  • "Range" - Practice Range map
  • "CharacterSelectPersistentLevel" - Character Selection

state note

Data Example:


Possible states:

  • "WaitingToStart"
  • "LeavingMap"
  • "Aborted"
  • "InProgress"
  • "Init"


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
killskillAmount of kills performed by the local player.See notes148.0
assistskillAmount of assists performed by the local player.See notes148.0
headshotskillAmount of headshots performed by the local player.See notes150.0

kill note

Data Example:


assist note

Data Example:


headshots note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
killTotal killsKill is performed.See notes148.0
assistTotal assistsAssist is performed.See notes148.0
headshotTotal headshotsHeadshot is performed.See notes150.0

kill note

Data Example:


assist note

Data Example:


headshot note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathsdeathAmount of deaths by the local player.See notes148.0

death note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathTotal deathsLocal player died.See notes148.0

death note

Data Example:
