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Game compliance

Competitive integrity is one of our core values, and we work tirelessly to enforce this value, both in-house and with the cooperation of game developers.

NetEase's game compliance policy prevents giving users confidential information like damage and healing statistics, selectively ban heroes, and predict opponents' ultimate abilities. Apps that severely undermine the fairness of the game are deemed as cheating software and will not be allowed during gameplay.

Overwolf’s app policy and game compliance guidelines strictly forbid giving any kind of player advantages in its apps. In addition, apps will also need to comply with the game’s ToS.

Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game events status

It's highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to your app users. Check current game event status here or easily check game event status from your app using our API.



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
roster_xxmatch_infoA full roster with data during the match.See notes269.0
match_idmatch_infoThe match ID of the current match.See notes269.0
game_typematch_infoThe current game type.See notes269.0
game_modematch_infoThe current game mode.See notes269.0
mapmatch_infoThe current played map.See notes269.0
player_statsmatch_infoLocal player's statistics during the match.See notes269.0
match_outcomematch_infoOutcome of the current matchSee notes272.0

roster_xx note


The roster index number will change dynamically between 0-11. To keep track of each player, use the UID number or name parameters.

When playing in Competitive mode with Diamond 3 players and above, all player names will be hidden as ***** until the round begins. Once the round starts, player names will be revealed, except for players who have the hidden names option enabled.

List of parameters:

  • name - player name
  • uid - User ID
  • character_name - character name
  • character_id - character ID
  • team - team number
  • is_teammate - is the player one of your teammates true/false
  • kills - number of kills
  • deaths - number of deaths
  • assists - number of assists
  • ult_charge - the player's current ultimate ability charge percent (teammates only)
  • is_alive - if the player is alive or dead
  • is_local - if the player is the local player this paramaters is true

Data Example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"roster_1","value":"{\"uid\":\"1380486120\",\"name\":\"OverWolf\",\"character_id\":\"1017\",\"team\":1,\"kills\":9,\"deaths\":5,\"assists\":0,\"ult_charge\":100,\"is_alive\":true,\"is_teammate\":true,\"is_local\":true,\"character_name\":\"HUMAN TORCH\"}"}

match_id note

Data Example:

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "match_id", "data": "5664983_1735659917_267_11001_50"}

game_type note

Possible values:

  • Practice
  • Quick match
  • Competitive
  • Arcade
Best practice

If a value is not mapped, it will return "UNKNOWN"

Data Example:


game_mode note

Best practice

If a value is not mapped, it will return "UNKNOWN"

Data Example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"game_mode","value":"Practice range"}

map note

Best practice

If a value is not mapped, it will return "UNKNOWN"

Data Example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"map","value":"Hall of djaalia"}

player_stats note

Data Example:


match_outcome note

Possible values:

  • Victory
  • Defeat
  • Draw

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
match_startnullThe match startedSee notes269.0
match_endnullThe match endedSee notes269.0
round_startnullRound started.See notes271.0
round_endnullRound ended.See notes271.0
deathThe total number of deathsThe player is deadSee notes269.0
killThe total number of killsThe player killed another playerSee notes269.0
assistThe total number of assistsThe player assisted another playerSee notes269.0
kill_feedThe name of the attacker and victimAnytime a player dies in the match.See notes269.0

match_start note

Data Example:


match_end note

Data Example:


round_start note

Data Example:


round_end note

Data Example:


death note

Data Example:


kill note

Data Example:


assist note

Data Example:


kill_feed note

Data Example:

["events": {"name": "kill_feed","data": "{\"attacker\":\"Overwolf\",\"victim\":\"Underwolf}"}]


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
scenegame_infoThe name of the current scene.See notes269.0
player_namegame_infoThe local player nameSee notes269.0
player_idgame_infothe local player's IDSee notes270.0

scene note

List of possible values:

  • Lobby
  • Ingame

Data Example:


player_name note

Data Example:


player_id note

Data Example:
