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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game event status

It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to app users.

Check the current game event status here. Alternately, you can easily check that status from your app itself, using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes229.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
game_stategame_infoThe current state of the game.See notes229.0
game_modegame_infoCurrently played game-mode.See notes229.0
battle_taggame_infoPlayer's battelnet tagSee notes229.2
game_typematch_infoThe type of the current played gameSee notes252.0
game_queue_typematch_infoThe type of the current queueSee notes256.1
party_player_countgame_infoCount how many players are in the partySee notes261.0

game_state note:

List of possible values:

  • loading_screen_start
  • game_loaded
  • match_in_progress
  • match_ended
  • role_select_screen_start
  • role_select_screen_end

Data Example:


game_mode note

Full list of game-modes:

  • 0003 = "Junkensteins Revenge"
  • 0007 = "Ctf"
  • 0008 = "Meis Snowball Offensive"
  • 0009 = "Elimination"
  • 0015 = "Uprising"
  • 0016 = "Skirmish"
  • 0020 = "Assault"
  • 0021 = "Escort"
  • 0022 = "Hybrid"
  • 224 = "Clash"
  • 0023 = "Control"
  • 0025 = "Tutorial"
  • 0026 = "Uprising All Heroes"
  • 0029 = "Team Deathmatch"
  • 0030 = "Deathmatch"
  • 0032 = "Lucioball"
  • 0037 = "Retribution"
  • 0041 = "Yeti Hunter"
  • 0042 = "Halloween Holdout Endless"
  • 0061 = "Calypso Heromode"
  • 0066 = "Story Missions"
  • 0067 = "Storm Rising"
  • 0074 = "Survivor"
  • 0089 = "Snowball Deathmatch"
  • 0109 = "Flashpoint"
  • 0090 = "Practice Range"
  • 0112 = "Bounty Hunter"
  • 0165 = "Hero Mastery - Solo"
  • 0186 = "Hero Mastery CO-OP"
  • 227 = "Junkenstein's Lab"
  • 235 = "Overwatch Classic: Assault"
  • 236 = "Overwatch Classic: Escort"
  • 237 = "Overwatch Classic: Hybrid"
  • 238 = "Overwatch Classic: Control"
  • 253 = "Kingmaker: Escort"
  • 254 = "Kingmaker: Control"
  • 255 = "Kingmaker: Push"
  • 256 = "Kingmaker: Hybrid"
  • 257 = "Kingmaker: Flashpoint"
  • 258 = "'Kingmaker: Clash"

Data Example:


Note that on the response the leading zeros are removed ("0030" => "30")

battle_tag note

Data Example:


game_type note:

List of possible values:

  • VS_AI

Data Example:


game_queue_type note:

possible game_queue_type values:


Data Example:


party_player_count note:

Data Example:

{"feature": "game_info", "category": "game_info", "key": "party_player_count", "data": "2"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince Version
mapmatch_infoName of currently played map.See notes229.0
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoUnique mtch_idSee notes237.0
match_outcomematch_infoOutcome of the current matchSee notes250.1

map note

Important to note some values that are still unknown. Most of them are listed down here.

Possible map values:

  • 3314 = "Antarc Pebibsula"
  • 2018 = "Busan"
  • 1645 = "Ilios"
  • 1634 = "Lijiang Tower"
  • 1719 = "Lijiang Tower Lunar New Year"
  • 1207 = "Nepal"
  • 1694 = "Oasis"
  • 2087 = "Circuit Royal"
  • 707 = "Dorado"
  • 2628 = "Havana"
  • 1878 = "Junkertown"
  • 2161 = "Rialto"
  • 1467 = "Route 66"
  • 3205 = "Shambali Monastery"
  • 388 = "Watchpoint Gibraltar"
  • 1886 = "Blizzard World"
  • 2651 = "Blizzard World Winter"
  • 1677 = "Eichenwalde"
  • 2036 = "Eichenwalde Halloween"
  • 687 = "Hollywood"
  • 1707 = "Hollywood Halloween"
  • 212 = "Kings Row"
  • 1713 = "Kings Row Winter"
  • 2892 = "Midtown"
  • 468 = "Numbani"
  • 2360 = "Paraiso"
  • 2868 = "Coloesseo"
  • 3411 = "Esperanca"
  • 2795 = "New Queen Street"
  • 3603 = "New Junk City"
  • 3390 = "Suravasa"
  • 3762 = "Runasapi"
  • 4439 = "Hanaoka"
  • 4448 = "Throne of Anubis"
  • 3776 = "Samoa"

Data Example:


Note that in the response the leading zeros are removed ("0030" => "30")

pseudo_match_id note

This is an Overwolf-generated code, unrelated to the game.

Data Example:


match_outcome note

Possible values:

  • victory
  • defeat

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
match_startnullMatch started.See notes229.0
match_endnullMatch ended.See notes229.0
round_startnullRound started.See notes252.0
round_endnullRound ended.See notes252.0
respawnnullThe local player respawn.See notes258.0
revivenullThe local player revive.See notes258.0

match_start note

Data Example:


match_end note

Data Example:


round_start note

Data Example:


round_end note

Data Example:


respawn note

Data Example:


revive note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
eliminationskillTotal amount of eliminations.See notes229.0

eliminations note

Data Example:


objective_kills note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
eliminationIntegerElimination is performed.See notes229.0

elimination note

The event includes the total amount of eliminations performed in the match.

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathsdeathTotal amount of deaths.See notes229.0

death note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
deathIntegerDeath has occurred.See notes229.0

death note

The event includes the total amount of deaths performed in the match.

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
assistsdeathTotal amount of assists.See notes229.0

assist note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
assistIntegerAssist has occurred.See notes229.0

assist note

The event includes the total amount of assists performed in the match.

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
roster_XXrosterData about the roterSee [notes](#roster_XX -note)249.0

*roster_XX * note

List of values:

  • player_name - the player's full name
  • battlenet_tag - the battle net tag
  • is_local - is the player the local player true/false
  • is_teammate - is the player one of your teammates true/false
  • hero_name - the name of the selected hero
  • hero_role - the role of the selected hero
  • team - the player's team 0/1
  • kills / deaths / assists - the total number of kills/deaths/assists
  • damage - the total damage
  • healed - the total healed
  • mitigated - the total mitigated

As for version 249.1.0 hero_name and hero_role will be available for the local player team only We will add them to the other team in the next GEP release

Data Example:
