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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Note that TFT, TFT PBE and LOL share the same Game ID.


If you would like to know when the user is going to play TFT (hit the "Play" button), you can listen to the LoL Launcher lobby_info info-update, and check the queueID. If it's 1090 or 1100 - it's TFT, or 1130, for "Hyperoll".


Riot has updated their Terms of Service regarding augment data.

Learn more about it here

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game events status

It's highly recommended to communicate errors to your users. Check game event status here or easily verify event status directly from your app using our API.


Because LOL and TFT share the same GameID, when checking TFT game event status please use 21570 as the unique GameID for TFT and 215701 for TFT PBE.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
is_pbegame_infoBoolean value if the player is playing in TFT or in TFT PBE modeSee notes205.0

is_pbe note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
active_playerlive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
all_playerslive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
eventslive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
game_datalive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1

active_player note

Data Example:

"active_player":"{"abilities":{"E":{"abilityLevel":5,"displayName":"Unspeakable Horror","id"

all_players note

Data Example:

[{"canUse":false,"consumable":false,"count":1,"displayName":"Dead Man's Plate"
,{"canUse":false,"consumable":false,"count":1,"displayName":"Bramble Vest"

events note

Data Example:

"VictimName":"finite area"},{"Assisters":["finite area","Dilipa"],"EventID":101,"EventName":

game_data note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
summoner_namemeSummoner name of the local playerSee notes133.0
xpmeCurrent player level, xp points, and xp points left to reach the next levelSee notes133.0
healthmeCurrent amount of health points of the playerSee notes133.0
rankmeCurrent standing of the playerSee notes133.0
goldmePlayer's spare gold in handSee notes133.0

summoner_name notes

Data example:


xp notes

Data example:


health notes

Data example:


rank notes

Data example:


Meaning 1st place/8th place, etc.

("Index" rank data in the roster is not accurate in real-time - only once the local player had died or won).

gold notes

Data example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoCurrent match’s ID codeSee notes133.0
battle_statematch_infoBoolean. Whether a battle is in progressSee notes133.0
match_statematch_infoBoolean. Whether a match is in progressSee notes133.0
round_typematch_infoPvE, PvP, Portal, Carousel or Augment as well as stage numberSee notes133.0
round_outcomematch_infoOutcome of the previous roundSee notes133.0
opponentmatch_infoNames of your opponentsSee notes133.0
game_modematch_infoWhether the current game mode is TFT or default LoLSee notes133.0
local_player_damagematch_infoAmount of damage caused by your championsSee notes0.136
item_selectmatch_infoList of available itemsSee notes259.0

pseudo_match_id notes

This is an internal Overwolf-generated code, not related to Riot Games.

Data example:


battle_state notes

Data example:


match_state notes

Returns 'True' when the match starts. Returns 'False' once the local player dies or wins the match.

Data example:


round_type notes

Data examples:

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "round_type", "data": "{\"stage\":\"1-1\",\"name\":\"PVP\",\"type\":\"Carousel\",\"native_name\":\"Encounter_Group\"}"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "round_type", "data": "{\"stage\":\"1-2\",\"name\":\"PVE\",\"type\":\"Minions_1\",\"native_name\":\"Intro1\"}"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "round_type", "data": "{\"stage\":\"2-1\",\"name\":\"PVP\",\"type\":\"Augment_1\",\"native_name\":\"Combat_Set6_Standard_AugmentEarly\"}"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "round_type", "data": "{\"stage\":\"3-3\",\"name\":\"PVP\",\"type\":\"PVP\",\"native_name\":\"Combat\"}"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "round_type", "data": "{\"stage\":\"3-4\",\"name\":\"Carousel\",\"type\":\"Carousel\",\"native_name\":\"Carousel\"}"}

round_outcome notes

Data example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"round_outcome","value":"{\"Sigma\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"00001\"},\"littlemelony\":{\"outcome\":\"defeat\",\"tag_line\":\"EUW\"},\"dADo\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"TnT\"},\"rares\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"rare\"},\"Sen\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"5426\"},\"JacksAtWork\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"1119\"},\"TABS Aurora\":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"Cute\"},\"koala \":{\"outcome\":\"victory\",\"tag_line\":\"king\"}}"}

opponent notes

Data example:


game_mode notes

By default - 'game_mode' will always return "lol" value unless TFT is played.

Data example:


local_player_damage notes

This also includes the star level of each champion (1, 2 and 3 stars), indicated as "level 1, 2 or 3".

Data Example:


item_select notes

Data example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"item_select","value":"{\"item_1\":{\"name\":\"TFT_Item_NeedlesslyLargeRod\"}, \"item_2\":{\"name\":\"TFT_Item_RecurveBow\"}, \"item_3\":{\"name\":\"TFT_Item_NegatronCloak\"}, \"item_4\":{\"name\":\"TFT_Item_BFSword\"}}"}


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
round_start"PVE"/"PVP"/"carousel"One round ends and another beginsSee notes133.0
round_endnullAt the round's endSee notes133.0
battle_start"PVP"/"PVE"Start of the battle vs an opponent or AISee notes133.0
battle_endnullEnd of the battle vs an opponent or AISee notes133.0
match_startnullBeginning of a TFT matchSee notes133.0
match_endnullEnding of a TFT matchSee notes133.0
picked_itemThe last item the player pickedThe player picked an itemSee notes259.0

round_start notes

Data example:


round_end notes

Data example:


battle_start notes

Data example:


battle_end notes

Data example:


match_start notes

Data example:


match_end notes

Data example:


picked_item notes

Data example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
player_statusrosterFull list of players currently in the matchSee notes133.0

roster/player_status notes

The full roster of players will first appear during the loading screen.

Each player object includes the following data:

  • index
  • health
  • xp
  • localplayer
  • rank
  • tag_line

Aside from the summoner name which is received during the loading screen, the rest of the data mentioned above will be delivered once the actual game has begun.

Important note regarding "index" data

The final & accurate rank position of each player in the match will be given only at the end of the match when the local player has died or won.

Data example:

"info": {
"roster": {
"player_status": "{
"Sigma": {
"index": 1,
"health": 76,
"xp": 5,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": 00001
"littlemelony": {
"index": 2,
"health": 94,
"xp": 4,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": EUW
"dADo": {
"index": 3,
"health": 88,
"xp": 6,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": TnT
"raresGUY": {
"index": 4,
"health": 62,
"xp": 6,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"Sen": {
"index": 5,
"health": 90,
"xp": 4,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": 5426
"JacksAtWork": {
"index": 6,
"health": 100,
"xp": 4,
"localplayer": true,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": 1191
"TABS Aurora": {
"index": 7,
"health": 92,
"xp": 5,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 0,
"tag_line": Cute
"koala": {
"index": 8,
"health": 0,
"xp": 5,
"localplayer": false,
"rank": 8,
"tag_line": king
"feature": "roster"


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
shop_piecesstoreAvailable champions for purchaseSee notes134.0

shop_pieces note

Once you purchase a champion, there will be a new update that indicates "Sold" for a purchased slot.

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
board_piecesboardExact position of each chess piece on the grid, including their current level and the items they possessSee notes134.0

board_pieces note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
bench_piecesbenchExact position of each chess piece on the bench including their current level and items they possess (inventory)See notes134.0

bench_pieces note

Data Example:

"bench_pieces":"{" slot_1":{
} "
" feature":"bench"

Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
carousel_piecescarouselNames of available champions in the carouselSee notes134.0

Data Example:

} "}},"feature":"carousel"



DO NOT include augment data support in your apps. This data can’t be displayed on third-party apps and websites by any means as this is a violation of Riot TOS. Displaying this data can result in banning.

Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
memeList of available augmentsSee notes197.1
picked_augmentmeThe last augment that the player pickedSee notes222.0

me note

Data Example:

{"feature":"augments","category":"me","key":"me","value":"{\"augment_1\":{\"name\":\"TFT8_Augment_DefenderTrait\"}, \"augment_2\":{\"name\":\"TFT7_Augment_PandorasBench\"}, \"augment_3\":{\"name\":\"TFT6_Augment_SecondWind1\"}, }"}

picked_augment note

Data Example:

{"info":{"me":{"picked_augment":"{\"slot_1\":{\"name\":\"TFT9_Augment_CyberneticBulk3\"}, \"slot_2\":{\"name\":\"TFT9_Augment_SettTheBoss\"}, \"slot_3\":{\"name\":\"\"}}"}},"feature":"augments"}