- Game events API
Please read the overwolf.games.events documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.
Sample Apps
Available Features
Game event status
It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to app users.
Check the current game event status here. Alternatively, you can easily check that status from your app itself, using our API.
GEP supports the following Minecraft versions:
Supported vanila versions:
- 1.12.2 - unsupported events: biome, dimension, world_id, chat, statistics, scene, player_x
- 1.16 - 1.16.1 - unsupported events: biome, dimension, world_id, chat, statistics
- 1.16.2 - unsupported events: biome, dimension, world_id
- 1.17 - 1.18.2 - full support except biome
- 1.19 - 1.21.3 - full support
Supported mod-loaders versions:
- Forge 36.0.0 - 36.2.39
- Forge 39.0.0 - 48.0.6
- Fabric 0.14.0 - 0.16.9
- Neoforge 21.3.16 - 21.3.17
addons (mods) event is supported from Minecraft versions 1.8 to 1.19 for both Forge and Fabric
Info Updates
key | Category | Values | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
gep_internal | gep_internal | Local + Public version number | See notes | 143.0 |
gep_internal note
Data Example:
Info Updates
key | Category | Values | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
scene | game_info | The name of the current scene. (language dependent). | See notes | 153.0 |
scene_key | game_info | The key of the current scene. | See notes | 267.0 |
name | game_info | The name of the local player. | See notes | 153.0 |
player_X | game_info | The list of players in the current game. | See notes | 191.0 |
mc_version | game_info | The current Minecraft version played. | See notes | 205.0 |
world_id | game_info | The original name of a single-player world. | See notes | 261.0 |
game_dir | game_info | The directory the game is running from. | See notes | 261.0 |
scene note
The scene data displays the title in the language selected by the user in the game. To use the current scene as a unique key, refer to scene_key instead
Data Example:
{"info":{"game_info":{"scene":"Title Screen"}},"feature":"game_info"}
{"info":{"game_info":{"scene":"Select World"}},"feature":"game_info"}
scene_key note
Data Example:
{"feature": "game_info", "category": "game_info", "key": "scene_key", "data": "narrator.screen.title"}
{"feature": "game_info", "category": "game_info", "key": "scene_key", "data": "selectWorld.title"}
name note
Data Example:
player_X note
- A full players list is sent each time a player gets in or out of the game
- The position of each player in the list can vary from time to time
- In case the "players visibility toggle" is turned on, this info update will not send values
Data Example:
mc_version note
Data Example:
world_id note
Data Example:
{"feature": "game_info", "category": "game_info", "key": "world_id", "data": "my new world"}```
game_dir note
Data Example:
Vanilla example:
Mods example:
Info Updates
key | Category | Values | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
server | match_info | The full id of the server. | See notes | 153.0 |
realms_info | match_info | The ID and name of the current realm. | See notes | 273.0 |
general_stats | match_info | All of the current general statistics. | See notes | 153.0 |
items_stats | match_info | All of the current item statistics. | See notes | 153.0 |
mobs_stats | match_info | All of the current mob statistics. | See notes | 153.0 |
location | match_info | Current player's location in the game. | See notes | 157.0 |
facing | match_info | The current direction the player is facing. | See notes | 157.0 |
biome | match_info | Name of the biome the player is in currently. | See notes | 258.0 |
dimension | match_info | Name of the dimension the player is in currently. | See notes | 261.0 |
Event | Event Data | Fired When | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
match_start | null | When loading into a map. | See notes | 153.0 |
match_end | null | When disconnecting from map. | See notes | 153.0 |
chat | text | When the chat window is updated. | See notes | 187.0 |
server note
Data Example:
realms_info note
realms_info does not work when entering a realm using the Quick Launch option in the launcher
Data Example:
{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"realms_info","value":"{\"realms_id\":14293560,\"realms_name\":\"New World\"}"}
note regarding statistics
To activate and extract the data out of the statistics you must open the main menu (ESC) and click on the statistics.
general_stats note
Data Example:
"info": {
"match_info": {
"general_stats": "[ {
"name": "damage_absorbed",
"value": "0"
"name": "fall_one_cm",
"value": "0 cm"
"name": "walk_one_cm",
"value": "79.65 m"
items_stats note
Data Example:
mobs_stats note
Data Example:
location note
Data Example:
facing note
Data Example:
biome note
Data Example:
dimension note
Data Example:
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "dimension", "data": "minecraft:overworld"}
match_start note
Data Example:
match_end note
Data Example:
chat note
This event is intended for real-time usage only, and its content should not be logged.
Data Example:
{"events":[{"name":"chat","data":"§7overwolfqa§7: hello"}]}
Info Updates
key | Category | Values | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
addon_xxx | mods | Addons list used by the player | See notes | 190.0 |
addon_xxx note
- addons (mods) supported from Minecraft versions 1.8 to 1.18 for both Forge and Fabric
Data Example:
{"info":{"mods":{"addon_153":"{"name":"xpbook","display_name":"XP Tome","version":"2.1.3"}"}},"feature":"mods"}
Info Updates
key | Category | Values | Notes | Since GEP Ver. |
ping | performance | Latency changes of the local player in the current game. | See notes | 191.0 |
ping note
Data Example: