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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

This is a on-going development. All events and info updates can be target to changes.

Game event status

It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to app users.

Check the current game event status here. Alternatively, you can easily check that status from your app itself, using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
player_infomeID of the local player.See notes148.0

player_info note

Data Example:

{"info":{"me":{"player_info":{"user_num": 144222} }},"feature":"me"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
teammatch_infoID of the team player in the match.See notes148.0
rostermatch_infoAll other player info is known to the local player.See notes159.0
matchmatch_infoID of the match.See notes159.0
regionmatch_infoStarting location of all the users (if selected).See notes159.0

team note

Data Example:

{"info":{"match_info":{"team":{"ally1" : 1003024, "ally2" : 144240}}},"feature":"me"}

This distinction of ally1 and ally2 will be used as a reference point in later events.
The team info update does not work for premade teams.
The user number will return 0 as a value if there are none.
For example, in solo mode, both ally1 and ally2 will return 0.

roster note

Data Example:

{"info":{"match_info" : {"roster" : [{"player_name" : "TestSubject1", "is_ally" : false, "player_character" : 12, "player_skin" : 1}]}},"feature":"me"}

"roster" includes information on all 18 players in the game.
"is_ally" will specify whether the subject is an ally or not.
This info will contain the local player itself.

match note

Data Example:

"info": {
"match_info": {
"match_id": 1223222,"feature":"me"}

region note

Data Example:

{"info":{"match_info" : {"enemy" : [1, 2, 5, 2, 0 ,0 ...],"Self" : 12, "Ally1" : 12, " Ally2" : 12 } ,"feature":"me"}}

The enemy array will be an array containing 16 integers. Each index number + 1 will represent the area code of area_code.
eg) index 0 of the array represents the number of players selecting area code 1 as their starting point.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
matching_startgame_mode, matching_team_modeMatching started.See notes148.0
matching_standbynullAccept matching inquiry startedSee notes148.0
matching_completenullMatch starts.See notes148.0

matching_start note

Data Example:

{"event":"matching_start","data":{"game_mode" : "", "matching_team_mode" : ""}}

Possible game modes :

  • Normal
  • Rank

Possible matching team modes :

  • Solo
  • Duo
  • Squad

matching_standby note

Data Example:


This is triggered when the local player inquires whether to accept or decline the current matching.
It does not return the action of the local player.

matching_complete note

Data Example:




EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
select_characterCharacter codeLocal player selects character in character selection.See notes148.0
select_weaponWeapon codeLocal player selects weapon in character selection.See notes148.0
team_characterAlly, Character codeAlly player selects a character in character selection.See notes148.0
team_weaponWeapon codeAlly player selects weapon in character selection.See notes148.0
select_routeTarget items, Target regionsLocal player selects plan in character selection.See notes148.0
select_traitSelectedTraitsLocal player selects trait for the character.See notes148.0
select_starting_pointArea codeLocal player selects starting point in character selection.See notes148.0
ally_starting_pointArea code, Area codeAlly player selects the starting point in character selection.See notes148.0

select_character note

Data Example:


See character_code for more info on character number.

select_weapon note

Data Example:


See weapon_code for more info on weapon number.

team_character note

Data Example:

{"event":"team_character","data":{"who" : "ally1", "character_num" : 12}}

The data "who" refers to the distinction in teams.
See character_code for more info on character number.

team_weapon note

Data Example:

{"event":"team_weapon","data":{"who" : "ally1", "weapon_num" : 12}}

The data "who" refers to the distinction in teams.
See weapon_code for more info on weapon number.

select_route note

Data Example:

{"event":"select_route","data":{"items" : [122232, 144244, ...], "regions" : [11, 3, 8, 5]}}

The 'items' array consists of 6 items, each representing the item code. See item_code for more info.
The 'regions' array is the area code in order of index. See area_code for more info.
eg) Local player's saved plan visits area 11, 3, 8, and 5 in the written order.

select_trait note

Data Example:

{"event":"select_trait","data":{"trait" : [122232, 144244, 155255, 152525, 155555]}}

This feature will be effective after December 9th, 2021.
The trait data will include 5 integers that represent the trait code.
See trait for more info.

select_starting_point note

Data Example:


Area code for the local player's starting point.
See area_code for more info.

ally_starting_point note

Data Example:

{"event":"ally_starting_point","data":{"ally1" : 5, "ally2" : 5}}

Both ally's starting point area code is given.
See area_code for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
knock_downVictim name, Current kill countLocal player kills or knocks down an enemy.See notes148.0
downedVictim name, Time leftAlly player is downed.See notes148.0
down_countVictim name, Time leftDowned ally player has taken damag.See notes148.0
get_upVictim name, Healer nameDowned ally player has recovered.See notes148.0
huntMonster name, LevelLocal player hunts a monster.See notes148.0

knock_down note

Data Example:

{"event":"knock_down","data":{"victim" : "TestSubject5", "total_kills" : 5}}

Knock-downs will also return kills in Solo game mode.
The victim returns the name of the player.
The name of the player can be an anonymous nickname such as "Test Subject 1"

downed note

Data Example:

{"event":"downed","data":{"victim" : "AllyPlayer", "time_left" : 15.0f}}

down_count note

Data Example:

{"event":"down_count","data":{"victim" : "MeOrAllyPlayer125", "time_left" : 10.5f}}

This triggers when a downed ally has taken damage and the time left is updated consequently.

get_up note

Data Example:

{"event":"get_up","data":{"victim" : "MeOrAllyPlayer125", "healer" : "MeOrAlly112"}}

hunt note

Data Example:

{"event":"hunt","data":{"monster" : "Chicken", "level" : 12}}

See monster for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
killKiller name, Victim name, Killer kill countPlayer kills another player. (Announcement)See notes148.0
deathVictim name, Killer typePlayer is dead. (Announcement)See notes148.0
resurrectPlayer namePlayer is resurrected. (Announcement)See notes148.0

kill note

Data Example:

{"event":"kill","data":{"killer" : "Test Subject 15", "victim" : "Someone", "total_kills" : 5}}

Kill will return the kill logs of all players. (Including the local player.) This will be triggered via announcements.

death note

Data Example:

{"event":"death","data":{"victim" : "Test Subject 15", "killer_type" : "WildLife"}}

Possible killer type

  • WildLife
  • Restriction
  • Meteor

resurrect note

Data Example:

{"event":"resurrect","data":"Test Subject 15"}



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
wickeline_prepBoolean1 minute before Wickeline is about to spawn. (Announcement)See notes148.0
wickeline_appearBooleanWickeline has spawned. (System chat)See notes148.0
wickeline_moveArea codeWickeline has moved to another area. (System chat)See notes148.0
wickeline_deadKiller namePlayer kills Wickeline. (System chat)See notes148.0
android_prepArea code, Android name1 minute before Android Alpha/Omega is about to spawn. (Announcement)See notes148.0
android_appearAndroid nameAndroid Alpha/Omega has spawned. (Announcement)See notes148.0
android_deadBooleanAndroid Alpha/Omega is dead. (Announcement)See notes148.0
meteorite_prepArea code1 minute before meteorite is about to spawn. (Announcement)See notes148.0
meteorite_appearBooleanMeteorite has spawned. (Announcement)See notes148.0
tree_of_life_prepArea code1 minute before the tree of life is about to spawn. (Announcement)See notes148.0
tree_of_life_appearBooleanTree of life has spawned. (Announcement)See notes148.0

wickeline_prep note

Data Example:


All of the events in "game_objects" feature are triggered by announcements and system chats.

wickeline_appear note

Data Example:


wickeline_move note

Data Example:


Area code of wickeline's new location.
See area_code for more info.

wickeline_dead note

Data Example:

{"event":"wickeline_dead","data": "Test Subject 15"}

Player name of Wickeline's killer.

android_prep note

Data Example:

{"event":"android_prep","data": {"region" : 15, "android" : "alpha"}}

Area code of androids's spawn location.
See area_code for more info.

Possible Android value :

  • alpha
  • omega

android_appear note

Data Example:

{"event":"android_prep","data": "alpha"}

Note that android_appear will not specify the spawn area code.

Possible Android value :

  • alpha
  • omega

android_dead note

Data Example:

{"event":"android_prep","data": "alpha"}

Possible Android value :

  • alpha
  • omega

meteorite_prep note

Data Example:

{"event":"meteorite_prep","data": 15}

Area code of meteorite's spawn location.
See area_code for more info.

meteorite_appear note

Data Example:

{"event":"meteorite_prep","data": true}

tree_of_life_prep note

Data Example:

{"event":"tree_of_life_prep","data": 15}

Area code of tree of life's spawn location.
See area_code for more info.

tree_of_life_appear note

Data Example:

{"event":"tree_of_life_prep","data": true}



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
change_to_dayDateAtmosphere changes from night to day.See notes148.0
change_to_nightDateAtmosphere changes from day to night.See notes148.0
new_restrictionNew area codes, Old area codesNew restricted areas are set.See notes148.0
restriction_accelBooleanRestriction accel announcement is made.See notes148.0
final_restrictionRestriction stepRestriction steps announcement is made in Duo/Squaed matching team mode.See notes148.0
competitive_restrictionRestriction stepRestriction steps announcement is made in Solo matching team mode.See notes148.0

change_to_day note

Data Example:

{"event":"change_to_day","data": 3}

Returns the current day count.

change_to_night note

Data Example:

{"event":"change_to_night","data": 3}

new_restriction note

Data Example:

{"event":"new_restriciont","data": {"added" : [1, 4, 3], "current" : [11, 13, 14]}}

Returns the newly broadcasted restriction areas.
The 'current' array will represent currently restricted area codes.
The 'added' array will represent newly reserved restricted area codes.
See area_code for more info.

restriction_accel note

Data Example:

{"event":"restriction_accel","data": true}

The restriction_accel will be called when it's true.

final_restriction note

Data Example:

{"event":"final_restriction","data": 1}

This event is only called in Duo/Squad matching team mode.
This event cannot be used to find out the final safe area. The final safe area must be acquired by the "new_restriction" event.
The final restriction will be called each step of the announcement.
Possible steps

  • 1 : The final safe area is broadcasted.
  • 2 : The final safe area is active.
  • 3 : No more safe areas.

competitive_restriction note

Data Example:

{"event":"competitive_restriction","data": 1}

This event is only called in Solo matching team mode.
This event cannot be used to find out the final safe area. The final safe area must be acquired by the "new_restriction" event.
The competitive_restriction will be called each step of the announcement.
Possible steps

  • 1 : Temporary safe area is set.
  • 2 : Temporary safe area is active.
  • 3 : Final safe area is set
  • 4 : The final safe area is active.
  • 5 : No more safe areas.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
move_regionArea codeLocal player moves to another region.See notes148.0

move_region note

Data Example:

{"event":"move_region","data": 1}

See area_code for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
scoreboardBooleanLocal player opens/closes scoreboard.See notes148.0

scoreboard note

Data Example:

{"event":"scoreboard","data": "open"}

Possible data :

  • open
  • close



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
deal_damageVictim, Boolean, DamageLocal player deals damage to another player.See notes148.0
take_damageBruiser, Boolean, Damage, Current HealthLocal player takes damage from another player.See notes148.0

deal_damage note

Data Example:

{"event":"deal_damage","data": {"victim" : "Test Subject 15", "is_skill" : true, "damage" : 145.4f}}

Eternal Return has many different damage types. However, "is_skill" distinguishes the damage type into two categories.

  • true: damage is given via character skill, item skill, or weapon skill.
  • false: damage is given via the character's normal(auto) attack.

take_damage note

Data Example:

{"event":"take_damage","data": {"bruiser" : "Test Subject 15", "is_skill" : true, "damage" : 145.4f, "current_health" : 1525}}

Eternal Return has many different damage types. However, "is_skill" distinguishes the damage type into two categories.

  • true: damage is given via character skill, item skill, or weapon skill.
  • false: damage is given via the character's normal(auto) attack.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
level_upCurrent character levelLocal character levels up.See notes148.0
mastery_level_upMastery ID, Current mastery levelLocal character's mastery levels up.See notes148.0
skill_level_upCurrent levelLocal character levels up a skill.See notes148.0
skill_evolveCurrent levelLocal character evolves a skill.See notes148.0

level_up note

Data Example:

{"event":"level_up","data": 15}

mastery_level_up note

Data Example:

{"event":"mastery_level_up","data": {"mastery_type" : 15, "level" : 15}}

See mastery_code for more info.

skill_level_up note

Data Example:

{"event":"skill_level_up","data": {"skill_group" : 112400, "level" : 5}}

See skill_group for more info.

skill_evolve note

Data Example:

{"event":"skill_evolve","data": {"skill_group" : 112400, "evolve" : 2}}

See skill_group for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
add_to_routeItem codeLocal player adds an item to the plan.See notes148.0
delete_routeItem codeLocal player removes an item from the plan.See notes148.0
change_routeTarget items, Target regionsLocal player changes to another saved plan.See notes148.0

add_to_route note

Data Example:

{"event":"add_to_route","data": 125524}

See item_code for more info.

delete_route note

Data Example:

{"event":"delete_route","data": 125524}

See item_code for more info.

change_route note

Data Example:

{"event":"change_route","data": {"target_items" : [112400, 112402], "target_areas" : [1, 4, 2]}}

See notes for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
equip_itemItem codeLocal player adds an item to the plan.See notes148.0
unequip_itemItem codeLocal player removes an item from the plan.See notes148.0

equip_item note

Data Example:

{"event":"equip_item","data": 122424}

See item_code for more info.

unequip_item note

Data Example:

{"event":"unequip_item","data": 122424}

See item_code for more info.



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
restriction_timerTime leftRestriction timer reduces, increasesSee notes148.0

restriction_timer note

Data Example:

{"event":"restriction_timer","data": 15.4f}



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
match_endNoneMatch ends.See notes148.0

match_end note

Data Example:


character_code note

Localized text can also be searched using the key "Character/Name/{character_code}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

area_code note

Area codes are represented as the following. (Note that changes can occur, and this should be double-checked via ER Open API.)
Localized text can also be searched using the key "Area/Name/{area_code}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

  • 1 : Docks
  • 2 : Pond
  • 3 : Beach
  • 4 : Uptown
  • 5 : Alley
  • 6 : Hotel
  • 7 : Avenue
  • 8 : Hospital
  • 9 : Temple
  • 10 : Archery Range
  • 11 : Cemetery
  • 12 : Forest
  • 13 : Factory
  • 14 : Chapel
  • 15 : School
  • 16 : Research Center

mastery_code note

Mastery codes are represented as the following.
Localized text can also be searched using the key "MasteryType/Name/{mastery_type}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

  • 0 : None
  • 1 : Glove
  • 2 : Tonfa
  • 3 : Bat
  • 4 : Whip
  • 5 : HighAngleFire
  • 6 : DirectFire
  • 7 : Bow
  • 8 : CrossBow
  • 9 : Pistol
  • 10 : AssaultRifle
  • 11 : SniperRifle
  • 13 : Hammer
  • 14 : Axe
  • 15 : OneHandSword
  • 16 : TwoHandSword
  • 17 : Polearm
  • 18 : DualSword
  • 19 : Spear
  • 20 : Nunchaku
  • 21 : Rapier
  • 22 : Guitar
  • 23 : Camera
  • 24 : Arcana
  • 101 : Trap
  • 102 : Craft
  • 103 : Search
  • 104 : Move
  • 201 : Health
  • 202 : Defense
  • 203 : Meditation
  • 204 : Hunt

weapon_code note

Weapon codes are represented as the following. (Mastery types share some common values.)
Localized text can also be searched using the key "WeaponType/Name/{weapon_type}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

  • 0 : None
  • 1 : Glove
  • 2 : Tonfa
  • 3 : Bat
  • 4 : Whip
  • 5 : HighAngleFire
  • 6 : DirectFire
  • 7 : Bow
  • 8 : CrossBow
  • 9 : Pistol
  • 10 : AssaultRifle
  • 11 : SniperRifle
  • 13 : Hammer
  • 14 : Axe
  • 15 : OneHandSword
  • 16 : TwoHandSword
  • 17 : Polearm
  • 18 : DualSword
  • 19 : Spear
  • 20 : Nunchaku
  • 21 : Rapier
  • 22 : Guitar
  • 23 : Camera
  • 24 : Arcana

skill_group note

Skillgroup codes are distinct group codes.
Localized text can also be searched using the key "Skill/Group/Name/{skill_group}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

item_code note

Localized text can also be searched using the key "Item/Name/{item_code}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

monster note

Following are monsters that appear in the game. Localized text can also be searched using the key "Monster/Name/{monster_code}" in the ER L10N file. (Available via ER Open API.)

  • 1 : Chicken
  • 2 : Bat
  • 3 : Bear
  • 4 : Wild Dog
  • 5 : Wolf
  • 6 : Bear
  • 7 : Wickeline
  • 8 : Alpha
  • 9 : Omega

trait note

The most updated trait data will be available via ER Open API.
Localized text can also be searched using the key "Trait/Name/{trait_code}" in the ER L10N file.

Following are the current trait groups.
Trait groups can be distinguished by the 2nd digit. (However, this may not always be true.)

  • Havoc : #0#####
  • Fortification : #1#####
  • Support : #2#####

Following are the current trait types.
Trait types can be distinguished by the 3rd digit.

  • Core : ##0####
  • Sub : ##1####