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overwolf.extensions.current API

A set of functions providing more information and utilities for the current extension.

Methods Reference

Types Reference

getExtraObject(name, callback)

Version added: 0.80

Retrieves an extra object (providing external APIs) registered in the extension’s manifest.

namestringName of the object as it appears in the manifest
callback(Result: GetExtraObjectResult) => voidResult of the request


Version added: 0.80

Returns the current extension’s manifest object.

callback(Result: GetManifestResult) => voidResult of the request

Usage Example

Get app version from the manifest and print it to the console.


getPhasedPercent(callback, version)

Version added: 0.236

Returns the current extension’s phasing percentage.

callback(Result: GetPhasedPercentResult) => voidResult of the request
versionstring?The version to calculate the phasing percentage for (defaults to the current 'base' version)

generateUserEmailHashes(email, callback)

Version added: 0.240

Generates and configures a user's email hashes persistently directly from the raw email.

emailstringThe user's email address
callback(Result: Result) => voidResult of the operation

setUserEmailHashes(hashes, callback)

Version added: 0.240

Configures a user's [email hashes][hashed-email] persistently from pre-configured email hashes.

Deleting email hashes

To delete the configured Email hashes, simply pass in an empty hashes object.

hashesUserEmailHashesThe different hashes of the user's email address
callback(Result: Result) => voidResult of the operation


Version added: 0.260

Returns the current extension's data.

Example data:

"manifest_version": 1,
"type": "WebApp",
"meta": {
"description": "WindowTesting",
"dock_button_title": "WindowTester",
"splash_image": null,
"icon": "IconMouseOver.png",
"window_icon": null,
"icon_gray": "IconMouseNormal.png",
"store_icon": null,
"launcher_icon": null,
"tray_icon": null,
"name": "WindowTester",
"author": "AUTHOR",
"author_display": null,
"author_display_name": "AUTHOR",
"version": "1.0.0",
"minimum-overwolf-version": "",
"minimum-gep-version": null,
"access-name": null
"UID": "<UID>",
"is_unpacked": true,
"path_on_disk": "PATH/ON/DISK",
"is_launchable": true,
"has_devtools": true,
"is_enabled": true,
"load_error": false,
"has_options_page": false,
"options_page": null,
"is_running": false,
"is_bundled": false,
"windows": null,
"displayName": "WindowTester",
"game_targeting": null,
"permissions": [
"open_dev_tools": false

GetExtraObjectResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
objectobjectthe extra object if found

Example data: Success

GetManifestResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
objectobjectthe manifest info

Example data: Success

A callback function which will be called with the status of the request

"manifest_version": 1,
"type": "WebApp",
"meta": {
"name": "App Name",
"version": "",
"minimum-overwolf-version": "",
"author": "Author",
"icon": "icon.png",
"icon_gray": "icon_gray.png",
"description": ""
"permissions": [
"channel-id": 0,
"dependencies": null,
"data": {
"externally_connectable": {
"matches": [
"protocol_override_domains": null,
"force_browser": "NotSet",
"plugins": [
"game_events": null,
"extra-objects": null,
"hotkeys": null,
"content_scripts": null,
"launch_events": [
"event": 1,
"event_data": {
"game_ids": null,
"wait_for_stable_framerate": null
"start_minimized": true
"user_agent": null,
"windows": {
"index": {
"file": "index.html",
"show_in_taskbar": true,
"transparent": true,
"resizable": false,
"show_minimize": true,
"clickthrough": false,
"disable_rightclick": false,
"forcecapture": false,
"show_only_on_stream": false,
"ignore_keyboard_events": false,
"in_game_only": false,
"desktop_only": false,
"disable_restore_animation": false,
"grab_keyboard_focus": false,
"size": {
"width": 910,
"height": 560
"start_position": {
"top": 10,
"left": 10
"topmost": false
"start_window": "index"

GetPhasedPercentResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
phasedPercentnumberThe phased percentage

UserEmailHashes Object

Version added: 0.240

An object containing different hash patterns of a relevant user's hashed email.

SHA1stringAn SHA1 hash of the email address
SHA256stringAn SHA256 hash of the email address
MD5stringAn MD5 hash of the email address