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Use this API to get I/O functionalities for the current extension and access your extension's dedicated storage space like the pictures folder, videos folder, or appData folder.


For general I/O functionalities, use the API. In addition, the simple I/O plugin offers several more general I/O features that are not available through the APIs.

Methods Reference

Types Reference

createDirectory(space, path, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Create directory.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
pathstringPath within the space. Use null or empty string for the space root.
callback(Result) => voidReports success or failure.

Usage example,"hal9000",console.log)
//==> {success: true}

getStoragePath(space, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Returns the full path of given extension storage space.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
callback(Result: GetStoragePathResult) => voidReturns with the full path of the requested extension storage space

Usage example,console.log)
//==>{path: "C:\Users\Hal9000\AppData\Roaming\Overwolf\nhmkaollkcmjiecdnnjmgfifjgkfegkljnjjbipp", success: true}

exist(space, path, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Returns whether the file or folder specified exist.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
pathstringPath within the space. Use null or empty string for the space root.
callback(Result: ExistResult) => voidReturns with the type of the file (if exist).

Usage example,"hal9000",console.log)
//==> "{type": "directory", "success":true}

//you can use full path as well (just add escape slash for backslash),"C:\\Users\\OWUser\\AppData\\Roaming\\Overwolf\\nhmkaollkcmjiecdnnjmgfifjgkfegkljnjjbipp\\hal9000",console.log)
//==> "{type": "directory", "success":true}

move(space, source, destination, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Moves source file or directory and its contents to destination.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
sourcestringPath for the source.
destinationstringPath to move to, including filename.
callback(Result) => voidReports success or failure.

Usage example,"hal9000\\log.txt","log.txt",console.log)

delete(space, path, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Deletes file or directory and its contents.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
pathstringPath within the space. Use null or empty string for the space root.
callback(Result: DeleteResult) => voidReturns with array of file and directory paths that could not be deleted.

Usage example,"log.txt",console.log)
//==>{success: true}

To delete old videos you can use, and to delete old gifs you can use []/ow-native/reference/media/ow-media#deleteoldgifskeepnewestxgbs-callback).

copy(space, source, destination, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Copies source file or directory and its contents to destination.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
sourcestringPath for the source.
destinationstringPath to copy to, including filename.
callback(Result) => voidReports success or failure.

Usage example,"hal9000\\log.txt","log.txt",console.log)

dir(space, directoryPath, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Lists directories and files under given directory path.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
directoryPathstringPath within the space. Use null or empty string for the space root.
callback(Result: DirResult) => voidReturns with array of file names within the directory.

Usage example,"",console.log)

readTextFile(space, filePath, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Returns the content of a given file.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
filePathstringPath of a file to read (within the space).
callback(Result: ReadTextFileResult) => voidReturns with the content of the fil.

Usage example,"hal9000\\loxg.txt",console.log)

writeTextFile(space, filePath, content, callback)

Version added: 0.147

Writes the provided text content to the provided file.

spaceStorageSpace enumThe selected storage space.
filePathstringPath of a file to write to (within the space).
contentstringText content to write (added to the end of file, not overwrite the content)
callback(Result) => voidReports success or failure.

Usage example,"hal9000\\log.txt","add this to your tail",console.log)

FileType enum

Version added: 0.147

FileType is "file"|"directory".


StorageSpace enum

Version added: 0.147

The selected storage space.

Note that the default Overwolf's captured pictures and videos folder is the windows "pictures"/"videos" folder.
Of course, the user can change it anytime from the OW client UI.

picturesThe extension's captured pictures folder, OverwolfPicturesFolder\AppName\
videosThe extension's captured videos folder, OverwolfVideosFolder\AppName\
appDataThe extension's folder under Roaming app data, AppData\Roaming\Overwolf\[Extensions UID]

Content Object

Version added: 0.147

typeFileType enumFileType is "file" or "directory".

ReadTextFileResult Object

Version added: 0.147

statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only

Example data: Success

{"content":"just a demo text","success":true}

Example data: Failure

"error":"hal9000\\loxg.txt does not exist."

ExistResult Object

Version added: 0.147

statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
typeFileType enumFileType is "file" or "directory".

Example data: Success

"{type": "directory", "success":true}

Example data: Failure

"type": "file",
"success": false,
"error": "C:\Users\hal9000\AppData\Roaming\Overwolf\nhm…dnnjmgfifjgkfegkljnjjbipp\DirNameX does not exist."

GetStoragePathResult Object

Version added: 0.147

statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
pathstringFull path of the requested extension storage space

Example data: Success

//the path of the extension's app data storage space

"path": "C:\Users\Hal9000\AppData\Roaming\Overwolf\nhmkaollkcmjiecdnnjmgfifjgkfegkljnjjbipp",
"success": true

Example data: Failure

DirResult Object

Version added: 0.147

statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
filesstring[]Array of file names within the directory.
directoriesstring[]Array of directory names within the directory.

Example data: Success


Example data: Failure

"error":"Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\Users\\OWUser\\AppData\\Roaming\\Overwolf\\nhmkaollkcmjiecdnnjmgfifjgkfegkljnjjbipp\\hal900'."

DeleteResult Object

Version added: 0.147

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
undeleted_contentContent[]Array of file and directory paths that could not be deleted.

Example data: Success

{"success": "true"}

Example data: Failure

"success": false,
"error": "File or directory do not exist"