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overwolf.extensions API

Change or retrieve the information of an Overwolf app or respond to events in the app’s lifecycle.

Special Overwolf URLs

You can use the following helpful URLs to retrieve an extension file content or icons:

  • overwolf://extension-resources/<extension uid>/icon
    A URL that can be used as a source for an IMG tag or a DIV background. This path will display the icon of the stated extension.

  • overwolf://extension-resources/<extension uid>/icon_gray
    A URL that can be used as a source for an IMG tag or a DIV background. This will present the gray icon of the stated extension.

  • overwolf-extension://<extension uid>/<path to extension file>
    Returns the content of a file in an app's library.

Methods Reference

Events Reference

Types Reference

launch(uid, parameter)

Version added: 0.78

Launch an extension by unique ID.

uidstringExtension unique ID
parameterObject (optional)A parameter passed to the extension. The extension may or may not use this parameter

Retrieve a service object by ID, which will usually provide external APIs.

idstringService ID
callbackfunctionA function called with the service, if found, and a flag indicating success or failure


Version added: 0.91

Sets a string for other extensions to read.

infoObjectAn object to post

getInfo(id, callback)

Version added: 0.91

Returns an extension’s info string.

idstringID of the extension to get info for
callbackfunctionCalled with the info
callback(Result: GetInfoResult) => voidCalled with the info

registerInfo(id, eventsCallback, callback)

Version added: 0.91

Requests info updates for an extension. Will also be called when the extension launches or closes.

idstringID of the extension to get updates for
eventsCallbackfunctionA callback to receive info updates
callback(Result) => voidReturns with the result

unregisterInfo(id, callback)

Version added: 0.91

Stop requesting info for an extension.

idstringID of the extension to stop getting updates for
callback(Result) => voidReturns with the result

getManifest(id, callback)

Version added: 0.91

Returns the requested extension’s manifest object.

idstringID of the extension to get the manifest for
callback(Result: GetManifestResult => void)Result of the request

getRunningState(id, callback)

Version added: 0.91

Gets the running state of an extension.

idstringID of the extension to get updates for
callbackResult: GetRunningStateResult => void)
Result of the request


Version added: 0.112

Relaunch the current app.


Version added: 0.133

Attempts to download an update for the calling extension.

This function allows apps to check and perform an update without having to wait for Overwolf to do so automatically.

Please read our Recommended extension update flow.

callback(Result: UpdateExtensionResult => voidResult of the request

failsafe note

The update has a failsafe mechanism while the game is active, making sure automatic updates won't happen during play only if a user action is detected, like pressing a button, for example.


Version added: 0.135

Checks if an update is available for the calling extension.

The function always returns UpToDate when used on an unpacked extension.

This function allows the current app to check if there is an extension update, without having to wait for Overwolf to do so. Calling this function will not automatically update the extension, just checks if an update exists.

Please read our Recommended extension update flow.

callback(Result: CheckForUpdateResult) => voidResult of the request


When releasing from the dev console a new version to production/testing environment, the checkForExtensionUpdate API will be "aware" of the new version after 2 hours or after Overwolf client restart.


Version added: 0.135

return service providers manifest data.

callback(Result: ServiceProvidersDataResult) => voidResult of the request

Data example

Assuming the manifesr flag service_providers is this:

 "service_providers": {
"nafihghfcpikebhfhdhljejkcifgbdahdhngepfb": {
"whatever": "value"

The result of the call will be:


// results in:
"data": {
"hffhbjnafafjnehejohpkfhjdenpifhihebpkhni": "{'whatever':'value'}"
"success": true,
"error" : null


Version added: 0.92

Fires when the current app is launched while already running. This is useful in the case where the app has custom logic for clicking its dock button while it is already running.

Note that this event is also fired when the app is set for auto-launch in the manifest. In this case, the "source" parameter value will be "gamelaunchevent".

The origin string

The event returns an origin string which returns what triggered the app launch:


The source param

Possible values for the source parameter:

dockLaunched from the Overwolf dock
gamelauncheventAuto-launched along with a game
hotkeyLaunched in-game with a hotkey
storeapiLaunched from the store
odkLaunched with the overwolf.extensions.launch API
commandlineLaunched from the command line using overwolf.exe -launchapp [extension id]
trayLaunched from the tray
startupLaunched upon startup
after-installAuto-launched after installation
overwolfstartlauncheventAuto-launched with the client launch (when app auto-launch with Overwolf is enabled)
urlschemeLaunched from custom link. See the url_protocol manifest flag

if you want to get origin information without registering events, you can run the window.location.href command.


Version added: 0.138

Fires when the current app's newest version has been installed. This most often means that an app relaunch is required in order for the update to apply.


Version added: 0.133

Called for global uncaught exceptions in a frame.

Event Data example

The callback args return with all the available exception data:

"StartPosition": 4431,
"EndPosition": 4432,
"StartColumn": 4431,
"EndColumn": 4432,
"LineNumber": 1,
"Message": "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined",
"ScriptResourceName": "",
"SourceLine": "if(0!=dcLoadAds){var data_version={}"

GetInfoResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
infostringThe extension info

Example data: Success

GetRunningStateResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object

Example data: Success

{ "status": "success", "isRunning": true }

ServiceProvidersDataResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object

Example data: Success

"data": {
"hffhbjnafafjnehejohpkfhjdenpifhihebpkhni": "{'whatever':'value'}"
"success": true,
"error": null

UpdateExtensionResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object

Example data: Success

"success": true,
"info": "new version 25.0.12 installed, restart app to apply."

Example data: Failure

"success": false,
"error": "MinOverwolfVersionRequirementUnmet",
"info": "Overwolf version needs to be updated to"

Possible error messages

Error CodeDescription
UnknownErrorerror before download starts
ExtensionNotFounderror before download starts
ExtensionDisablederror before download starts
GameRunningerror before download starts
PackageUpdaterUnavailableerror before download starts
MinOverwolfVersionRequirementUnmeterror before download starts
MinGepVersionRequirementUnmeterror before download starts
MinGameSummaryVersionRequirementUnmeterror before download starts
PackageInfoMissingerror before download starts
AlreadyUpToDateerror before download starts
AlreadyInstallederror after download starts
NoConnectivityerror after download starts
MissingExtensionIderror after download starts
InvalidInstallStateerror after download starts
InstallationErrorerror after download starts
AppNotInstallederror after download starts
DownloadErrorerror after download starts

CheckForUpdateResult Object

successbooleaninherited from the "Result" Object
errorstringinherited from the "Result" Object
statusstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
Reasonstringdeprecated. For backward compatibility only
stateExtensionUpdateState enumextension update state
updateVersionstringThe latest extension version on the OW apps store. null if the extension is up to date

Example data: Success

Possible states are "UpdateAvailable", "UpToDate" or "PendingRestart".
For more info please read our Recommended extension update flow.

{"state": "UpdateAvailable", "updateVersion": "125.0.1", "success": true, "error": null}

{"state": "UpToDate", "updateVersion": null, "success": true, "error": null}

{"state": "PendingRestart", "updateVersion": "125.0.1", "success": true, "error": null}

ExtensionUpdateState enum

UpToDateThe extension is up to date. No action items are required
UpdateAvailableThere is an updated extension version on the OW apps store
PendingRestartThe extension just updated, and it's waiting for a relaunch

This is the recommended flow for a manual update of Overwolf extensions.

NOTE: The call to checkForExtensionUpdate() will not work when the extension was loaded unpacked.

NOTE: that regardless, the auto-update mechanism will automatically fetch available updates from Overwolf servers every few hours, or once the Overwolf client is restarted. (that includes upgrades for all the available components: extensions, GEP, Client).

TL;DR The flow is UpdateAvailable => updateExtension() => relaunch().

  1. Once you get an UpdateAvailable state, You should offer the user an "Update" button.
    The button should call updateExtension().
    See also the failsafe note.

  2. Once the update successfully completed, you can call again checkForExtensionUpdate(),
    To make sure that the state changed to PendingRestart.

  3. At this point, an extension restart is required. You can offer the user a "Relaunch" button.
    The button should call relaunch().

  4. In a case that your app depends on a sequence of game events, to avoid any app-related flow issues, it's highly recommended to notify the user and ask for a game restart as well.


In order to test the manual update scenario without initiate auto-update immediately, please delete the folder %localappdata%\PackagesCache before calling updateExtension.