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Use this API to obtain system folder paths.


For more I/O functionalities, please use our simple I/O plugin.

You can call the object properties to get the requested path:

Supported paths

  • programFiles
  • programFilesX86
  • commonFiles
  • commonFilesX86
  • commonAppData
  • desktop
  • windows
  • system
  • systemX86
  • documents
  • videos
  • pictures
  • music
  • commonDocuments
  • favorites
  • fonts
  • startMenu
  • localAppData
  • Overwolf install dir - Version added: 0.169
  • Overwolf install dir with version number - Version added: 0.169
  • OBS dir - Version added: 0.169

Usage Example

To get the system path:

//prints "C:\WINDOWS\system32"

To get the full path of the current extension (OW app), you can call and concatenate your extension id and your app version to it: + "/Overwolf/Extensions/[your extension id]/[version]"

Where version can be retrieved from the app manifest.

note that this will not work if the extension is loaded as unpacked while developing.