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Use this API to get information about games that are defined as unsupported in the Gameslist. Requires tracked under the launch_events property in the manifest.json

Methods Reference

Events Reference

Types Reference


Version added: 0.199


Unsupported games will not necessarily be detected as expected, and are by their very nature unsupported by default. Please make sure to test this for the specific game before using it in production!


This method will only work for games with a GameInfoType of type "game"!

If both tracked and track_all_games are set to true in the manifest, returns an object with information about the most recently launched game, similarly to the way works.

Note: In a scenario when more than one game is running, we'll display information only from the latest one that was launched, including both "unsupported" and "supported" games.

callback(Result: GetRunningGameInfoResult) => voidReturns info about the currently running game


Version added: 0.195


Requires tracked and track_all_games under the launch_events property in the manifest.json

Fired when an unsupported game process has launched, with the following structure: OnUnsupportedExecutedEvent object.


Version added: 0.83


Requires tracked under the launch_events property in the manifest.json

Fired when an unsupported game process has terminated.

GetRunningGameInfoResult Object

errorstringnull if success is true
isInFocusboolReturns whether the game is currently in focus
isRunningboolReturns whether the game is currently running
allowsVideoCaptureboolReturns whether the game allows video to be captured
titlestringReturns the title of the game
idnumberReturns the game ID concatenated with the Instance ID of the game. Divide it by 10 and round down to get the game ID
classIdnumberReturns the game ID
widthnumberReturns the pixel width of the game window
heightnumberReturns the pixel height of the game window
logicalWidthnumberReturns the game-reported (logical) pixel width of the game window
logicalHeightnumberReturns the game-reported (logical) pixel height of the game window
processIdnumberReturns the current process id of the running game
renderersstring[]Returns an array of the rendering technology names supported by the running game
detectedRendererstringReturns the rendering technology detected by the running game
commandLinestringReturns the game process commandline
typenumberReturns the process type as a number. See notes
typeAsStringstringReturns the process type as a string. See notes
windowHandleobjectReturns the current game window handle
monitorHandleobjectReturns the current monitor handle
overlayInfoOverlayInfo ObjectReturns info about the running out of process overlays

Example data: Success

"title":"Guild Wars",
"processId": 3840,
"executionPath":"D:/Games/Guild Wars/Gw.exe",
"commandLine":"\"D:/Games/Guild Wars/Gw.exe\"",

OnUnsupportedExecutedEvent Object

isInFocusboolReturns whether the game is currently in focus
isRunningboolReturns whether the game is currently running
allowsVideoCaptureboolReturns whether the game allows video to be captured
titlestringReturns the title of the game
idnumberReturns the game ID concatenated with the Instance ID of the game. Divide it by 10 and round down to get the game ID
classIdnumberReturns the game ID
widthnumberReturns the pixel width of the game window
heightnumberReturns the pixel height of the game window
logicalWidthnumberReturns the game-reported (logical) pixel width of the game window
logicalHeightnumberReturns the game-reported (logical) pixel height of the game window
renderersstring[]Returns an array of the rendering technology names supported by the running game
detectedRendererstringReturns the rendering technology detected by the running game
commandLinestringReturns the game process commandline
typenumberReturns the process type as a number. See notes
typeAsStringstringReturns the process type as a string. See notes
overlayInputHookErrorboolIndicates that a hooking error has occurred
windowHandleobjectReturns the current game window handle
monitorHandleobjectReturns the current monitor handle
processIdnumberReturns the current process id of the running game
terminationUnixEpochTimenumberTimestamp of the game terminating
overlayInfoOverlayInfo ObjectReturns info about the running out of process overlays

GameInfoType enum

The type value for a process is determined by the gamelist entry for it.

GameThis is a Game
LauncherThis is a launcher
ApplicationThis is an app

OverlayInfo Object

Returns info about the current out of process overlays

coexistingAppsKnownOverlayCoexistenceApps[]Detected coexisting apps
inputFailureboolGlobal input hook failure detected, machine restart is needed.
hadInGameRenderboolOverwolf overlay did render in game
isCursorVisibleboolIndication if the current game is working in "Exclusive Mode" without a visible cursor, like FPS games. See notes
exclusiveModeDisabledboolExclusiveMode is disabled. See notes
oopOverlayboolis game overlay is OOPO. See notes
isFullScreenOptimizationDisabledboolIndication if game process DisableFullscreen is on. See notes

Data example

"coexistingApps":["MSIAfterBurner", "MSIAfterBurner"],


When the game terminates (hadInGameRender: false) and coexistingApps is not empty, you can show the users a message of a possible coexisting overlay issue.

isCursorVisible Note

Usually used for FPS games - when you are playing, you won't have a cursor - but if you Ctrl + Tab (enable exclusive mode), you will. This can give the app an indication of this (i.e., can the user click an X to close the app window, or does he have to use a hotkey). Not relevant for games like LoL, where the user has a cursor. /t See also related flag, exclusiveModeDisabled.

exclusiveModeDisabled Note

Exclusive mode is for games like FPS, where you don't have a cursor while in the game - so if you ctrl + tab - we turn the background dark - like steam. This is exclusive mode - as in, the input is exclusively going to Overwolf (not the game).

See also related object property, isCursorVisible.

oopOverlay Note

OOP stands for "Out of process" Overlay - relevant for Destiny 2, CS:GO, Roblox, and warzone that requires exclusive mode to interact with the OW app's windows.

isFullScreenOptimizationDisabled Note

The OW overlay is not visible in full-screen mode for games that require an exclusive mode to interact with the OW app's windows (like Distney2, CSGO, and warzone).

This indication lets you show the user a desktop notification to switch from full screen to windowed or borderless mode or enable full-screen optimization. Note that you can't display your indication as there is no overlay. So in that case, you can show the indication when the match is over or on a second screen, if exists.

isFullScreenOptimizationDisabled will be on when DisableFullscreen is on, and the overlay is not visible.