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App automation

This article explains how to enable and set up Overwolf app automation in Node.js using ChromeDriver and selenium-webdriver / webdriverio.


  • Download chromedriver.exe and place it in a folder of your choice (i.e. C:/webdrivers).
    • Add that folder to your system's PATH:
      1. Start menu
      2. Type Path
      3. Click Edit the system environment variables
      4. Click Environment Variables
      5. Click on Path and then Edit
      6. Add your chosen folder to the list and click OK on all windows
  • Run Overwolf with the command line flag --enable-automation.
  • For the examples below: install and launch Replay HUD.

To run WebDriver with selenium-webdriver package:

  • Run npm install selenium-webdriver in your node project.

  • Install and launch your app.

  • Take note of your app's window title.

  • Create a driver instance according to the following example:

    // ReplayHUD automation with selenium-webdriver
    const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require("selenium-webdriver");
    const chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");

    const options = new chrome.Options();
    options.options_["debuggerAddress"] = "localhost:54284"; // Overwolf Remote Debugger

    const xpath = "/html/body/ng-include/div/div[5]/div[2]/div[1]/article[4]/div";

    (async function example() {
    let driver = await new Builder()

    try {
    // Find and switch to your app's window
    const handles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
    for (let handle of handles) {
    await driver.switchTo().window(handle);
    if ((await driver.getTitle()) === "Replay HUD") {
    // Enjoy
    const element = await driver.wait(
    } finally {
    await driver.quit();

To run WebDriver with webdriverio in Standalone Mode:

If you want to run webdriverio in Testrunner Mode (and you likely do, if you're using this package for testing) you should check out its documentation. The configuration file (wdio.conf.js) should include the options used in the Standalone Mode example below.

  • Run npm install webdriverio in your node project.

  • Create a browser session according to the following example:

    // ReplayHUD automation with webdriverio in Standalone Mode
    const { remote } = require("webdriverio");

    const xpath = "/html/body/ng-include/div/div[5]/div[2]/div[1]/article[4]/div";

    (async () => {
    const browser = await remote({
    automationProtocol: "devtools",
    browserName: "chrome",
    capabilities: {
    "goog:chromeOptions": {
    debuggerAddress: "localhost:54284",

    await browser.switchWindow("Replay HUD");

    const button = await browser.$(xpath);
    await button.waitForClickable({ timeout: 3000 });
    await browser.deleteSession();