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Submitting an app proposal

So, you have a great idea for an Overwolf application. What's next?

We find that apps turn out much better the more feedback and experience are involved, and we are always glad to share ours with aspiring developers.
This also helps with ensuring that your idea is compliant with the relevant game(s), before you even write a single line of code!

And so, before you begin, we want to see what you've thought up. It can be anything from a simple summary, to the general idea, to a list of planned features, UI demonstrations, or even some live, working mockups.

The goal here is to understand what your app is about before you invest too much time and effort into development - a simple one day change during planning could take several months later down the road.


You don't need to have a registered business to - work on, apply for funding for, and even earn money from - an Overwolf app. The Overwolf platform welcomes creators of all types and sizes, from solo developers to small casual teams to entire companies.

Before you start

If you want to take a deeper look at the Overwolf platform - no worries, we've got you covered.

To get started, feel free to check out the Overwolf Front App, so you can get a better idea of the platform's capabilities/common app patterns.

Still have more questions? Feel free to reach out, or join the developers discord where you can get help from experts in the community.

Overwolf has two kinds of apps, public and private. Consider the motivation behind the development of your app. In your app proposal you will be required to answer questions like "Who is this app for?", "How are you going to monetize your app?".

For any kind of app, once you are ready to go live, it must go through the regular channels and processes. This includes submitting your release candidate to our QA testing to make sure that your app follows the guidelines and compliances.

Public apps

A Public app is an app aimed to be available for everyone to access and use from the Overwolf app store. It will contain commercial elements or be connected to a commercial entity. Public apps should have at least a minimal desktop window indicating the app is running.

Private apps

A Private app is aimed for personal use on a small scale (friends/family/testers). It contains no commercial elements and is not connected to a commercial entity.


Overwolf won't be able to test or approve apps that only have background processes.

Private apps are:

  • Only supported through the developers community.
  • Not tested by Overwolf's QA team.
  • Only granted access to the "Test Channels" in the Developer Console.
  • Not granted access to Slack channels.

If you are unsure if your app would be public or private, contact us at

Prepare your proposal

Want to refine your proposal even further?

Take a look at what’s already out there - especially apps with similar features/ideas. Think of what your app can do better, or what it can offer that other apps don’t, and capitalize on that.

Submitting your app concept for review is easy - since we’re not looking for a complete set of technical documents just yet. Instead, the goal at this stage is to create a clear, concise description of what the app is and how it will work for gamers.
It also helps if you can already show a basic specification of which apis you plan to utilize for different features, and if you even have any mockups of your planned User Interface.

This proposal (and the app itself) must be made in English, although you may freely support as many other languages as you want in the final app.

Submit Your Proposal


To register your app proposal with Overwolf's Developer Relations team, you must log in with an Overwolf account*.

Once you've registered your idea, you will be able to communicate with our team for help, reviews, release approvals, and more.

*You do not need to be part of (or acting on behalf of) a registered business or company to work on (and make money from) Overwolf apps - Overwolf is open to independent developers and companies alike.

What happens next?

We will review your proposal internally and reach back within 4 business days to provide feedback - including whether Overwolf approves or rejects your idea in its current form for the Overwolf platform.

  • Your app was approved:

    Great job! We think you'll be a great fit for the Overwolf ecosystem, and now the real fun begins! You are ready to start Building your app!

  • Your app was rejected:

    As it is, the app concept you have submitted won't fit our Appstore, because of the reasons detailed in the rejection. If you are fine with it, and it is plausible, we encourage you to try and incorporate this feedback into the idea, so you can submit it again for further review.

    However, you may also decide that this feedback strays too far from your original idea. In those cases, while we wish you luck with it, we are unable to proceed with you on this specific app.

    Regardless of that, our door is always open for any other app ideas you may have, and we look forward to your future endeavors!