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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game event status

It is highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to app users.

Check the current game event status here. Alternatively, you can easily check that status from your app itself, using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
scenegame_infoCurrent state (screen) of the gameSee notes150.0
sideboard_cardsgame_infoCards that are currently held in the sideboard.See notes150.0
main_deck_cardsgame_infoCards that are currently in your main deck.See notes150.0
inventory_cardsgame_infoCard ID + Quantity.See notes180.0
inventory_statsgame_infoCurrent statistics and information of the local player's profile.See notes180.0

scene note

Possible values:

  • scene_home
  • scene_event_page
  • scene_deck_builder
  • scene_draft_table
  • scene_draft_table_queue: IKO_Premier_Draft

Data Example:


sideboard_cards note

Data Example:

"info": {
"game_info": {
"sideboard_cards": "{"
cards ":[{"
card_id ":71208,"
Wandering Monster ","
card_amount ":1}]}"
"feature": "game_info"

main_deck_cards note

Data Example:


inventory_cards note

Data Example:


inventory_stats note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
draft_packmatch_infoPack number you currently pick for, time left to pick and pick number.See notes150.0
draft_cardsmatch_infoName and ID of all picked cards during the draft.See notes150.0
draft_picked_cardmatch_infoName and ID of currently picked card.See notes150.0

draft_pack note

Data Example:

"info": {
"match_info": {
"draft_pack": "{"
pack_number ":1,"
pick_number ":2,"
pick_time ":70}"
"feature": "match_info"

draft_cards note

Updates each time you add/remove cards from your pack.

Data Example:

"info": {
"match_info": {
"draft_cards": "{"
cards ":[{"
id ":71319, "
name ":"
Rugged Highlands "}, {
"id": 71196
"id": 71219
"id": 71090
"id": 71307
"id": 71162
"id": 71098
"id": 71143
"id": 71309
"id": 71199
"id": 71215
"feature": "match_info"

draft_picked_card note

Data Example:

"info": {
"match_info": {
"draft_picked_card": "{"
picked_card_id ":71073 , "
Coordinated Charge "}"
"feature": "match_info"


EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
draft_startnullWhen a draft has started.See notes150.0
draft_endnullWhen a draft has ended.See notes150.0

draft_start note

Data Example:


draft_end note

Data Example:
