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Please read the documentation page to learn how to use Overwolf game events.


Note that you can also use the LOL game launcher events. Read more here.

Sample Apps

Available Features

Game events status

It's highly recommended to communicate errors and warnings to your app users. Check current game event status here or easily check game event status from your app using our API.


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
gep_internalgep_internalLocal + Public version numberSee notes143.0

gep_internal note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
active_playerlive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
all_playerslive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
eventslive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
game_datalive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes143.1
portlive_client_dataIn-game data received by the client.See notes155.0

active_player note

Click to see some data example
"info": {
"live_client_data": {
"active_player": {
"abilities": {
"E": {
"abilityLevel": 0,
"displayName": "Stacked Deck",
"id": "CardmasterStack",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_Spell_CardmasterStack_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_Spell_CardmasterStack_DisplayName"
"Passive": {
"displayName": "Loaded Dice",
"id": "SecondSight",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_Passive_SecondSight_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_Passive_SecondSight_DisplayName"
"Q": {
"abilityLevel": 0,
"displayName": "Wild Cards",
"id": "WildCards",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_Spell_WildCards_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_Spell_WildCards_DisplayName"
"R": {
"abilityLevel": 0,
"displayName": "Destiny",
"id": "Destiny",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_Spell_Destiny_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_Spell_Destiny_DisplayName"
"W": {
"abilityLevel": 0,
"displayName": "Pick a Card",
"id": "PickACard",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_Spell_PickACard_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_Spell_PickACard_DisplayName"
"championStats": {
"abilityHaste": 0,
"abilityPower": 0,
"armor": 21,
"armorPenetrationFlat": 0,
"armorPenetrationPercent": 1,
"attackDamage": 25,
"attackRange": 0,
"attackSpeed": 0.6510000228881836,
"bonusArmorPenetrationPercent": 1,
"bonusMagicPenetrationPercent": 1,
"cooldownReduction": 0,
"critChance": 0,
"critDamage": 0,
"currentHealth": 534,
"healthRegenRate": 0,
"lifeSteal": 0,
"magicLethality": 0,
"magicPenetrationFlat": 0,
"magicPenetrationPercent": 1,
"magicResist": 30,
"maxHealth": 534,
"moveSpeed": 330,
"physicalLethality": 0,
"resourceMax": 333,
"resourceRegenRate": 0,
"resourceType": "MANA",
"resourceValue": 333,
"spellVamp": 0,
"tenacity": 0
"currentGold": 0,
"fullRunes": {
"generalRunes": [
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"displayName": "Taste of Blood",
"id": 8139,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_TasteOfBlood",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_TasteOfBlood"
"displayName": "Eyeball Collection",
"id": 8138,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_EyeballCollection",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_EyeballCollection"
"displayName": "Ravenous Hunter",
"id": 8135,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_RavenousHunter",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_RavenousHunter"
"displayName": "Presence of Mind",
"id": 8009,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_PresenceOfMind",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_PresenceOfMind"
"displayName": "Coup de Grace",
"id": 8014,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_CoupDeGrace",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_CoupDeGrace"
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"statRunes": [
{ "id": 5008, "rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_StatModAdaptive" },
{ "id": 5008, "rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_StatModAdaptive" },
{ "id": 5003, "rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_StatModMagicResist" }
"level": 1,
"summonerName": "Sh4rgaas"
"feature": "live_client_data"

all_players note

Click to see some data example
"info": {
"live_client_data": {
"all_players": [
"championName": "Twisted Fate",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [
"canUse": true,
"consumable": true,
"count": 1,
"displayName": "Poro - Snax",
"itemID": 2052,
"price": 0,
"rawDescription": "game_item_description_2052",
"rawDisplayName": "game_item_displayname_2052",
"slot": 6
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_TwistedFate",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_TwistedFate_9",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 9,
"skinName": "Cutpurse Twisted Fate",
"summonerName": "Sh4rgaas",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Ghost",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerHaste_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerHaste_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"team": "CHAOS"
"championName": "Brand",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Brand",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Brand_2",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 2,
"skinName": "Vandal Brand",
"summonerName": "Gordon xD",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Heal",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerHeal_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerHeal_DisplayName"
"team": "ORDER"
"championName": "Gragas",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Gragas",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Gragas_10",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 10,
"skinName": "Arctic Ops Gragas",
"summonerName": "IM Piotrovic",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Ignite",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerDot_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerDot_DisplayName"
"team": "ORDER"
"championName": "Shen",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Shen",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Shen_6",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Hail of Blades",
"id": 9923,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_HailOfBlades",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_HailOfBlades"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 6,
"skinName": "TPA Shen",
"summonerName": "ToxicMolester",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Clarity",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerMana_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerMana_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"team": "ORDER"
"championName": "Vayne",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Vayne",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Hail of Blades",
"id": 9923,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_HailOfBlades",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_HailOfBlades"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 0,
"summonerName": "ToxikBull",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Barrier",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_DisplayName"
"team": "ORDER"
"championName": "Pantheon",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Pantheon",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Electrocute",
"id": 8112,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_Electrocute",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_Electrocute"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 0,
"summonerName": "Haorn",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Mark",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_DisplayName"
"team": "ORDER"
"championName": "Rell",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Rell",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Aftershock",
"id": 8439,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_VeteranAftershock",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_VeteranAftershock"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Resolve",
"id": 8400,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7204",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7204"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 0,
"summonerName": "Tαkumi Usui",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Mark",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_DisplayName"
"team": "CHAOS"
"championName": "Anivia",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Anivia",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Anivia_8",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Sorcery",
"id": 8200,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7202",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7202"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 8,
"skinName": "Papercraft Anivia",
"summonerName": "TheShackledCaps",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Barrier",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_DisplayName"
"team": "CHAOS"
"championName": "Jhin",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Jhin",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Jhin_3",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Dark Harvest",
"id": 8128,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_DarkHarvest",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_DarkHarvest"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Precision",
"id": 8000,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7201",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7201"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 3,
"skinName": "SKT T1 Jhin",
"summonerName": "SzczodryMarynarz",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Barrier",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerBarrier_DisplayName"
"team": "CHAOS"
"championName": "Lissandra",
"isBot": false,
"isDead": false,
"items": [],
"level": 1,
"position": "NONE",
"rawChampionName": "game_character_displayname_Lissandra",
"rawSkinName": "game_character_skin_displayname_Lissandra_3",
"respawnTimer": 0,
"runes": {
"keystone": {
"displayName": "Electrocute",
"id": 8112,
"rawDescription": "perk_tooltip_Electrocute",
"rawDisplayName": "perk_displayname_Electrocute"
"primaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Domination",
"id": 8100,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7200",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7200"
"secondaryRuneTree": {
"displayName": "Sorcery",
"id": 8200,
"rawDescription": "perkstyle_tooltip_7202",
"rawDisplayName": "perkstyle_displayname_7202"
"scores": {
"assists": 0,
"creepScore": 0,
"deaths": 0,
"kills": 0,
"wardScore": 0
"skinID": 3,
"skinName": "Program Lissandra",
"summonerName": "JALLLAA",
"summonerSpells": {
"summonerSpellOne": {
"displayName": "Mark",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerSnowball_DisplayName"
"summonerSpellTwo": {
"displayName": "Flash",
"rawDescription": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_Description",
"rawDisplayName": "GeneratedTip_SummonerSpell_SummonerFlash_DisplayName"
"team": "CHAOS"
"feature": "live_client_data"

events note

Data Example:


game_data note

Data Example:

"info": {
"live_client_data": {
"game_data": {
"gameMode": "ARAM",
"gameTime": 0.0417339988052845,
"mapName": "Map12",
"mapNumber": 12,
"mapTerrain": "Default"
"feature": "live_client_data"

port note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
matchStartedgame_infotrue/false (string)See notes140.0
matchIdgame_infoCurrent match idSee notes120.0
queueIDgame_infoCurrent match queue idSee notes120.0

As there is no matchOutcome event for LoL, you can detect it by using the announcer or live_client_data events.

matchStarted note

Data Example:


matchId note

Data Example:


queueID note

{"feature": "matchState", "category": "game_info", "key": "queueId", "data": "420"}


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
matchStartnullMatch has startedMatch has started140.0

matchEnd is deprecated, you can use the announcer DEFEAT/VICTORY instead or the launcher game flow here


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pseudo_match_idmatch_infoCurrent match’s ID code. Example:
This is an Overwolf-generated code unrelated to Riot Games.0.130
game_modematch_infoWhether the current game mode is TFT, Arena or default LoL. See notes133.0
match_pausedmatch_infoWhether a match is paused or not (Bool - True/False). See notes153.1
players_taglinematch_infoInformation about the players in the game. See notes240.0

game_mode notes

Data example:

{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "game_mode", "data": "lol"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "game_mode", "data": "tft"}
{"feature": "match_info", "category": "match_info", "key": "game_mode", "data": "arena"}

match_paused note

Data Example:


players_tagline note

Include an array of all the players in the game with their tagLine

Data Example:

{"feature":"match_info","category":"match_info","key":"players_tagline","value":"[{\"playerName\":\"TacoNano888\",\"tagline\":\"12345\"},{\"playerName\":\"JacksAtPBE\",\"tagline\":\"1155\"},{\"playerName\":\"BestII\",\"tagline\":\"PBE\"},{\"playerName\":\"w is god\",\"tagline\":\"PBE\"},{\"playerName\":\"cvhjchj\",\"tagline\":\"PBE\"},{\"playerName\":\"1844043811\",\"tagline\":\"0731\"},{\"playerName\":\"ASUKA\",\"tagline\":\"chk\"},{\"playerName\":\"装高手不说话\",\"tagline\":\"4819\"},{\"playerName\":\"Veimll\",\"tagline\":\"PBE\"},{\"playerName\":\"sdadsda\",\"tagline\":\"das\"},{\"playerName\":\"MitsuriPBE\",\"tagline\":\"wewo\"},{\"playerName\":\"Soy Juanex\",\"tagline\":\"PBE\"}]"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathsgame_infoNumber of deaths for this sessionSee notes77.0

deaths note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
deathNumber of deaths for this sessionThe player’s champion diedSee notes77.0

death note

Data Example:




EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
respawnnullThe player’s champion respawnedSee notes140.0

respawn note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
stackstackLocal player's stack count of permanent stacking abilitiesSee notes238.0

stack note:

Local player's stack count of permanent stacking abilities for the following champions:

  • Cho'Gath
  • Shyvana
  • Nasus
  • Veigar
  • Kindred
  • Sion
  • Thresh
  • Swain
  • Belveth

Data Example:

{"feature": "abilities", "category": "stack", "key": "stack", "data": "3"}


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
abilityability numberplayer has selected an ability
  • abilities are numbered from 1-4 “ability”
  • event is fired when the player clicks an ability key (but he may cancel the ability action later)
usedAbilityJSON containing: “type” with the ability number between 1-4. Example:
{ type: "4" } for ult
player activated the ability“usedAbility” fired when the player activated the ability0.31

ability note

Data Example:


usedAbility note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"usedAbility","data":"{  "type": "1"}"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"usedAbility","data":"{ "type": "2"}"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"usedAbility","data":"{ "type": "3"}"}]}
{"events":[{"name":"usedAbility","data":"{ "type": "4"}"}]}

"usedAbility"is disabled for Udyr


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
killsgame_infoTotal kills in the matchSee notes35.0
doubleKillsgame_infoTotal double-kills in the match35.0
tripleKillsgame_infoTotal triple-kills in the match35.0
quadraKillsgame_infoTotal quadra-kills in the match35.0
pentaKillsgame_infoTotal penta-kills in the match35.0

kills note



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
killA JSON containing:
  • count: Number of times this kill type happened in the match
  • label: kill / double_kill / triple_kill / quadra_kill / penta_kill
  • totalKills: Total kills in this match
Killing another championSee notes70.0

kill note

Data Example:




EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
assistNumber of times this event happened in the matchWhen you assist killing another championSee notes70.00

assist note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
goldgame_infonumeric value – amount of gold and total gold amountSee notes70.00

gold note

Data Example:

 {"info":{"game_info":{"gold":"{\"gold\":\"717\", "total_gold":\"1119\"}"}},"feature":"gold"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
minionKillsgame_infoamount of enemy minions killed by the playerSee notes70.0
neutralMinionKillsgame_infoamount of neutral minions killed by the playerSee notes70.0

minionKills note

Data Example:


neutralMinionKills note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
idsummoner_infoUser’s Summoner IdFired immediately with game start. Check notes70.0
regionsummoner_infoUser’s region (EUE, EUW, etc.) or PBE client (See notes)Important note: Push runes/items feature is not allowed (by Riot) on Korea region, so in case your app provides such a feature, make sure to disable it for KR users. Also, check notes70.0
championsummoner_infoName of the selected championAll champion names (provided by the Overwolf Game Events Provider) match the champion-key from the Riot API, except for Fiddlesticks.
  • Game Events Provider value: “FiddleSticks”
  • Riot API value: “Fiddlesticks”

Also, check notes
levelsummoner_infoUser’s summoner levelSee notes70.0
tiersummoner_infoUser’s tier in his most played queueSee notes120.0
divisionsummoner_infoUser’s division in his most played queueSee notes120.0
queuesummoner_infoMost played match queueSee notes120.0
accountIdsummoner_infoUser’s account idSee notes120.0

id note

Data Example:


region note

For a full list of regions and Riot Games Servers please visit here.

Data Example:


Note that if the current client is a PBE client, instead of the region value, it returns "PBE":


Note that you can also get this info earlier by using the LEP region info-update.

champion note


level note

Data Example:


tier note

Data Example:


division note

Data Example:


queue note

You may find the full list of queue types on Riot's API found here (Under queue types).

Data Example:


accountId note

Data Example:




teams info-update might be provided a bit late in some game modes, as late as a few seconds before the loading screen ends. This is a known issue and we’re working on a fix.

Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
teamsgame_infoA URI – a decoded string that represents a JSON object with the team's formationNeed to use decodeURI() the value and then JSON.parse() the result. See the example below.70.0

Let's assume we save the data in a variable called info. It will be the equivalent of:

var info = {"info":[{"category":"game_info","key":"teams","value":

So now we will decode the value:

var decoded = decodeURI([0].value);

And get:

{"team":"Order","champion":"Vi","skinId":"2","summoner":"hono kyumin"},
{"team":"Chaos","champion":"Orianna","skinId":"0","summoner":"lp omg cartman"},

Finally, we parse the string and get a JSON array with the teams:

var teams = JSON.parse(decoded);


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
levellevelCurrent level of the player's championFired immediately when the game starts, updates whenever the champion levels up0.19
{ "info": {
"level": { "level": "1" }
"feature": "level"



EventEvent DataFired When (announcement)NotesSince GEP Ver.
welcome_riftnull“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!”70.05
minions_30_secnull“Thirty seconds until minions spawn!”70.05
minions_spawnnull“Minions have spawned!”70.05
first_bloodnull“First Blood!”70.05
shutdownnull“Shut down!”75.0
slain“team”“An enemy has been slain!!”75.0
self_slain“team”“You have slain an enemy!!”75.0
killing_spree“team”“Killing Spree!”75.0
double_kill“team”“Double Kill!”75.0
triple_kill“team”“Triple Kill!”75.0
quadra_kill“team”“Quadra Kill!”75.0
penta_kill“team”“Penta Kill!”75.0
turret_destroy"team"“Your turret has been destroyed!”75.0
inhibitor_destroy“team”“Your inhibitor has been destroyed!”75.0
slain"enemy"“An ally has been slain!”75.0
slain_self“enemy”“You have been slain!”75.0
killing_spree“enemy”“Enemy Killing Spree!”75.0
rampage“enemy”“Enemy Rampage!”75.0
unstoppable“enemy”“An enemy is Unstoppable!”75.0
dominating“enemy”“An enemy is Dominating!”75.0
godlike“enemy”“An enemy is Godlike!”75.0
double_kill“enemy”“Enemy Double Kill!”75.0
triple_kill“enemy”“Enemy Triple Kill!”75.0
quadra_kill“enemy”“Enemy Quadra Kill!”75.0
penta_kill“enemy”“Enemy Penta Kill!”75.0
inhibitor_destroy“enemy”“Your team has destroyed an inhibitor!”75.0
turret_destroy“enemy”“Your team has destroyed a turret!”75.0


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
pingperformanceThe change in latency values of the local playerSee notes128.0


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
match_clockThe exact time in the match (in seconds).Every second that the clock is ticking.See notes138.0

ping note

Data Example:


match_clock note

Data Example:



gameMode note

The information provided by this feature is incorrect at the moment. Please use "queueID" instead. (can be found either in the launcher events provider or in the game events provider).


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
total_damage_dealtdamageValue of all damage done in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_dealt_to_championsdamageValue of all damage done to champions in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_takendamageValue of all the damage that was taken in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_dealt_to_buildingsdamageValue of all damage done to structures in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_dealt_to_turretsdamageValue of all damage done to turrets in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_dealt_to_objectivesdamageValue of all damage given to objectives in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_damage_self_mitigateddamageValue of all mitigated damage in the match (Float).See notes139.0

total_damage_dealt note

Data Example:


total_damage_dealt_to_champions note

Data Example:


total_damage_taken note

Data Example:


total_damage_dealt_to_buildings note

Data Example:


total_damage_dealt_to_turrets note

Data Example:


total_damage_dealt_to_objectives note

Data Example:


total_damage_self_mitigated note

Data Example:



EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
physical_damage_dealt_playerFloatDamaging an opponent with physical damage.See notes139.0
magic_damage_dealt_playerFloatDamaging an opponent with magic damage.See notes139.0
true_damage_dealt_playerFloatDamaging an opponent with true damage.See notes139.0
physical_damage_dealt_to_championsFloatPhysical damage is inflicted on any opponent.See notes139.0
magic_damage_dealt_to_championsFloatMagic damage is inflicted on any opponent.See notes139.0
true_damage_dealt_to_championsFloatTrue damage is inflicted on any opponent.See notes139.0
physical_damage_takenFloatReceiving physical damage from an opponent.See notes139.0
magic_damage_takenFloatReceiving magic damage from an opponent.See notes139.0
true_damage_takenFloatReceiving true damage from an opponent.See notes139.0

physical_damage_dealt_player note

Data Example:


magic_damage_dealt_player note

Data Example:


true_damage_dealt_player note

Data Example:


physical_damage_dealt_to_champions note

Data Example:


magic_damage_dealt_to_champions note

Data Example:


true_damage_dealt_to_champions note

Data Example:


physical_damage_taken note

Data Example:


magic_damage_taken note

Data Example:


true_damage_taken note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
total_healhealValue of all healing done in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_heal_on_teammateshealValue of all healing on teammates in the match (Float).See notes139.0
total_units_healedhealValue of amount of units healed in the match (Float).See notes139.0

total_heal note

Data Example:


total_heal_on_teammates note

Data Example:


total_units_healed note

Data Example:



Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
jungle_camp_xxjungle_campsName of each camp.See notes186.0

jungle_camp note:

Boolean values:

  • alive - true/false representing whether they are alive or dead (this information is true whether it is killed by an enemy or an ally).
  • vision - true/false representing whether we have a vision on the camp in question (vision is being updated once the alive state changes).

Icon values:

  • 0 - This means there is no icon indicator in the minimap for the relevant camp.
  • 1 - Displaying silver icon (long respawn indicator) for the relevant camp.
  • 2 - Displaying gold icon (short respawn indicator) for the relevant camp.

Possible Values:

  • Blue West
  • Blue East
  • Wolves West
  • Wolves East
  • Raptors West
  • Raptors East
  • Red West
  • Red East
  • Krug West
  • Krug East
  • Dragon
  • Baron (icon_status always remains zero).
  • Gromp West
  • Gromp East
  • Scuttle Crab River Bot side
  • Scuttle Crab River Top side
  • Rift Herald (icon_status always remains zero).
  • VoidGrubs (icon_status always remains zero).
  • Atakhan Top (icon_status always remains zero).
  • Atakhan Bot (icon_status always remains zero).

Note that the jungle camps IDs are no longer static and can change from time to time. The field name is holding the actual camp name.

Data Example:

{"feature": "jungle_camps", "category": "jungle_camps", "key": "jungle_camp_0", "data": "{\"name\":\"Blue West\",\"alive\":false,\"vision\":false,\"icon_status\":\"1\"}"}
{"feature": "jungle_camps", "category": "jungle_camps", "key": "jungle_camp_3", "data": "{\"name\":\"Red East\",\"alive\":false,\"vision\":false,\"icon_status\":\"2\"}"}
{"feature": "jungle_camps", "category": "jungle_camps", "key": "jungle_camp_7", "data": "{\"name\":\"Wolves East\",\"alive\":true,\"vision\":true,\"icon_status\":\"0\"}"}


Info Updates

keyCategoryValuesNotesSince GEP Ver.
team_frames_xgame_infoCooldown timer of the ultimate of the players in seconds.See notes193.0

team_frames note:

This info update shows the cooldown timer of the ultimate ability of each player in seconds.
Value in "team_frames_0" is the player to the left until "team_frames_3" to the last player to the right.
The value in ult_cd stands for ultimate cooldown in seconds.



This event is intended for real-time usage only, and its content should not be logged.


EventEvent DataFired WhenNotesSince GEP Ver.
chatAll the chat messages sent in a matchEvery time there is a new message in the chatSee notes224.0

chat note

Data Example:

{"events":[{"name":"chat","data":"[Team] Jacksork (Lux): Hello "}]}